kbmmw ORM 对象定义语法简析
使用kbmmw 的ORM 一定先要了解ORM 的对象定义语法。
// kbmMW_Table - Define a table. 定义一个表
// Must be used on classes.
// Define a table named person.
// [kbmMW_Table('name:person')] 定义表名
// Define 2 ascending indexes i_fieldname, and i_anotherfieldname on the field fieldname and anotherfieldname. 定义正向索引
// [kbmMW_Table('name:person, index:fieldname, index:anotherfieldname...
// Define an ascending index named i1, on the field name 使用索引名为一个字段定义索引
// [kbmMW_Table('name:person, index:{name:i1,field:name},...
// Define a descending index named i1, on the field name 定义反向索引
// [kbmMW_Table('name:person, index:{name:i1,field:name,descending:true},...
// Define a compound unique index named i2, on the fields name and age. Name field part is descending. 定义组合唯一索引
// [kbmMW_Table('name:person, index:{name:i2,unique:true,fields:[{name:name,descending:true},{name:age}]
// Define method to use when deleting records from a table. Default it will do a regular delete, 定义删除标志,是常规删除还是标志删除
// but it can be set to flag the record as deleted (which is then automatically respected by
// queries later on) or it can be set to backup the record before deletion, to another table.
// [kbmMW_Table('name:person, defaultDeleteMethod:delete')] 也可以定义为移动到另外一个表里面
// defaultDeleteMethod can be delete/default, mark or move.
// If its mark, then deleteMarkProperty must be set to point to a property or field member of the
// class that should mark the deletion state. Futher deleteMarkValue must be set to the (non null)
// value indicating a deleted record.
// If its move, then deleteMoveToTable must be set to the fully scoped name of another defined
// table, which will hold the backups. Make sure to define the table with similarly named field names.
// Also add a different main identifier property as primary key.
// kbmMW_Field - Define fields in a table. 定义表中的字段
// Must be used on properties within a class if they are to be persisted.
// Define a field that will be persisted. Its type will be decided for
// from the property type. String type fields will have a size of 50.
// Table field name will be the same as the property name.
// [kbmMW_Field] 字段标识
// Define a field that will be persisted. It will accept unicode data of max 50 characters.
// It will have the same name as the property.
// [kbmMW_Field(ftWideString,50)] 长度为50的字符类型
// Define a field named id, and make it primary key. It will be automatically populated bu the generator shortGuid.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:shortGuid',ftString,40)] 定义字段名称、类型、长度,自动生成属性
// property ID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FID write FID;
// 四种自动生成类型
// These generators exists:
// GUID - Returns a GUID formatted as a regular GUID {123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000}
// SHORTGUID - Returns a short GUID where braces and dashes are missing: 123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000
// SEQUENCE - Returns next unique number from a sequence. Provide name of sequencer in sequence property
// and optional sequencestart property (not supported by all databases!)
// DATETIME - Returns a date time value, formatted according to the dateFormat property. //
// Define a field named id, and make it primary key. It will be populated by a sequence generator.
// Since no sequencer was given, one is automatically generated named s_tablename_fieldname
// [kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:sequence',ftInteger)] 定义字段为主键,并自动用序列生成
// property ID:kbmMWNullable<integer> read FID write FID;
// Define a field named id, and make it primary key. It will be populated by sequence generator SEQ, starting from value 10.
// (not all databases supports sequencers with a defined start!) 从10开始,定义序列
// [kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:sequence, seqneuce:SEQ1, sequenceStart:10',ftInteger)]
// property ID:kbmMWNullable<integer> read FID write FID; 属性定义,与字段名相同
// Define a field named id, and make it primary key. It will be populated automatically by the database.
// (not all databases support auto increment type fields!)
// [kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true',ftAutoInc)] 定位为自增长
// property ID:kbmMWNullable<integer> read FID write FID;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as Delphi local time values.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime',ftDateTime)] 定义为日期字段
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as Delphi UTC values.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:UTC',ftDateTime)] 使用UTC 日期
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as Unix local time millisecs since EPOC.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:LOCALSINCEEPOCHMS',ftInt64)] 使用unix 当地日期,毫秒计时
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as Unix UTC time millisecs since EPOC.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:UTCSINCEEPOCHMS',ftInt64)]使用unix UTC日期,毫秒计时
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as Unix local time secs since EPOC.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:LOCALSINCEEPOCH',ftInt64)]使用unix 当地日期,秒计时
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as Unix UTC time secs since EPOC.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:UTCSINCEEPOCH',ftInt64)]使用unix TUC日期,秒计时
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as ISO8601 formatted string.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:ISO8601',ftString,50)] ISO08601 日期
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as RFC1123 formatted string.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:RFC1123',ftString,50)] RFC1123 日期
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// Define a field named datetime containing date/time values as NCSA formatted string.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:datetime, dateFormat:NCSA',ftString,50)] NCSA 日期
// property DateTime:TkbmMWDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
// kbmMW_Null - Specify NULL conversion.
// (This attribute is also used for object marshalling).
// If, for example, a property is of type integer, the property is not directly able to indicate a NULL state since
// all values of an integer are considered non NULL values.
// However its possible to define a specific value to be interpreted as NULL.
// Eg.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:somefield',ftInteger)]
// [kbmMW_Null(-1)] 定义-1 为空
// property MyProperty:integer read FMyProperty write FMyProperty;
// This will define that the value -1 must be interpreted as NULL when storing and retrieving data
// from the database.
// kbmMW_NotNull - Indicate that the property must never contain the NULL value (either interpreted via the kbmMW_Null attribute or actual).
// Eg.
// [kbmMW_Field('name:somefield',ftInteger)] 字段不准为空
// [kbmMW_NotNull]
// property MyProperty:kbmMWNullable<integer> read FMyProperty write FMyProperty;
以下为实际的定义,请大家认真理解 [kbmMW_Table('name:person, index:{name:i1,field:name,descending:false}, index:{name:i2,unique:true,fields:[{name:name,descending:true},{name:age}]')]
TPerson = class
[kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:shortGuid',ftString,)]
property ID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FID write FID; [kbmMW_Field('name:name',ftWideString,)]
property FullName:kbmMWNullable<string> read FName write FName; [kbmMW_Field('name:address',ftWideString,)]
property Address:kbmMWNullable<string> read FAddress write FAddress; [kbmMW_Field('name:age',ftInteger)]
property Age:kbmMWNullable<integer> read FAge write FAge;
end; [kbmMW_Table('name:account')]
TAccount = class
[kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:shortGuid',ftString,)]
property ID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FID write FID; [kbmMW_Field('name:personid',ftString,)]
property PID:string read FPersonID write FPersonID; [kbmMW_Field('name:name, default:"Unknown"',ftString,)]
property Name:kbmMWNullable<string> read FName write FName; [kbmMW_Field]
property Value:double read FValue write FValue;
end; [kbmMW_VirtualTable(TAccount)]
TAccountWithPerson = class(TAccount)
destructor Destroy; override; [kbmMW_VirtualField('name:person, source:uData.TPerson, key:PID, sourceKey:ID')]
property Person:TPerson read FPerson write FPerson;
end; [kbmMW_VirtualTable(TAccount)]
TAccountWithPersonName = class(TAccount)
// [kbmMW_VirtualField('name:fullName, source:uData.TPerson, key:PID, sourceKey:ID, value:uData.TPerson.FullName')]
[kbmMW_VirtualField('name:fullName, source:uData.TPerson, key:PID, sourceKey:ID, value:"uData.TPerson.FullName||\" Age:\"||uData.TPerson.Age"')]
property FullName:kbmMWNullable<string> read FFullName write FFullName;
end; [kbmMW_VirtualTable(TPerson)]
TPersonWithAccounts = class(TPerson)
destructor Destroy; override; [kbmMW_VirtualField('name:accounts, source:uData.TAccount, key:ID, sourceKey:PID')]
property Accounts:TObjectList<TAccount> read FAccounts write FAccounts;
end; // [kbmMW_Table('name:image, defaultDeleteMethod:mark, deleteMarkProperty:Deleted, deleteMarkValue:true')]
[kbmMW_Table('name:image, defaultDeleteMethod:move, deleteMoveToTable:uData.TBackupImage')]
TImage = class
procedure SetBlob(AValue:TMemoryStream); virtual;
constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override; [kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:shortGuid',ftString,)]
property ID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FID write FID; [kbmMW_Field('name:personid',ftString,)]
property PID:string read FPersonID write FPersonID; [kbmMW_Field('name:description',ftString,)]
property Description:kbmMWNullable<string> read FDescription write FDescription; [kbmMW_Field('name:blob',ftGraphic)]
property Blob:TMemoryStream read FBlob write SetBlob; [kbmMW_Field('name:deleted',ftBoolean)]
property Deleted:boolean read FDeleted write FDeleted;
end; [kbmMW_Table('name:backupImage')]
FBackupID:kbmMWNullable<string>; public
// [kbmMW_Field('name:backupId, primary:true, generator:shortGuid',ftString,40)]
// [kbmMW_NotNull]
// property BackupID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FBackupID write FBackupID;
[kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true',ftString,)]
property ID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FID write FID;
end; [kbmMW_VirtualTable]
TPersonAccount = class
property ID:string read FID write FID; [kbmMW_Field('name:name')]
property Name:kbmMWNullable<string> read FName write FName; [kbmMW_Field('name:accountName')]
property AccountName:kbmMWNullable<string> read FAccountName write FAccountName; [kbmMW_Field('name:value')]
property Value:double read FValue write FValue;
end; [kbmMW_Table('name:person2')]
TPerson2 = class
constructor Create; virtual;
destructor Destroy; override; [kbmMW_Field('name:id, primary:true, generator:shortGuid',ftString,)]
property ID:kbmMWNullable<string> read FID write FID; [kbmMW_Field('name:name',ftWideString,)]
property Name:kbmMWNullable<string> read FName write FName; [kbmMW_Field('name:address',ftWideString,)]
property Address:kbmMWNullable<string> read FAddress write FAddress; [kbmMW_Field('name:age',ftInteger)]
property Age:kbmMWNullable<integer> read FAge write FAge; [kbmMW_Field('join:{source:ID,dest:PersonID}')]
property Accounts:TObjectList<TAccount> read FAccounts;
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