ev401-013:Implementing Business Processes:Automating Business Processes Part 1

Module Objectives
1.List the components of a multi-step approval process.
2.Implement a 3-step approval process.
3.Implement a 3-step approval process with an optional step in the middle(skip a step).
4.Create an escalation channel with time-dependent workflow.
5.Create a approval process with parallel approvers.
6.Create an outbound message as part of an approval process.
7.Create sophisticated approval process criteria with cross-object formulas.
8.View debug log.
9.Configure debug log to set category and level.

Module Agenda
1.Multi-Step Approval Processes
2.Skipping Steps in Approval Processes
3.Keeping Things Moving with Time-Dependent Workflow
4.Approval Processes with Parallel Approvers
5.Keeping System in Sync with Outbound Messaging
6.Keeping Your Processes Flexible with Dynamic Approval Routing
7.Monitoring Your System Processes

Universal containers Scenario
1.Universal Containers(UC) wants to institute a company wide policy whereby positions submitted hiring managers go through a standardized approval process before being released to internal or external audiences.
2.All open positions submitted by hiring managers must be routed to the recruiting staff for approval before any job applications are permitted.

3.UC needs to learn how approval workflow can be leveraged to establish uniform position approval processes in the Recruiting app.
Approval Processes

1.Approval processes are single or multi-step process which require end user authorization for record promotion.

How Do I Define an Approval Process?
1.Process Definition
- Which records should enter this process?
- What settings should apply yo the whole process?
2.Initial Submission Actions
- What happens when a record is submitted for approval?
3.Step Definition
- Who should records be routed to?
4.Final Rejection Actions
- What happens when a record is rejected?
5.Final Approval Actions
- What happens when a record is approved?
6.Recall Actions
- What happens if a record is recalled from the process?

Process Visualizer
1.Provides a visual representation (read-only) of your approval processes
2.Hover over or expand step to see details
3.The Process Visualizer is currently in BETA - send us your feedback!

Skipping Steps
1. A skip step is a step that has criteria defined to determine whether or not this approval is required.
2.In processes that have steps that are optional depending on criteria, use the skip step deature.
3.To skip steps use filter criteria or formula, then choose what should happen to rcords that do not meet the criteria. The options are:
- Approve Record - approves the request and performs all final approval actions.
- Go to Next Step - skips this step and goes to the next step.

Quick Review: Workflow
1.What is workflow?
Automatic action
2.What are the two methods for defining workflow criteria?
Only when a record is created or Every time a record is created or edited
3.What are the two parts of workflow?
Criteria and Action
4.What are the four actions of a workflow rule?
Field update; Text; Email alert ;Send outbound message

What is Time-Dependent Workflow?
1.Workflow actions can be:
- Immediate:actions fire as soon as a record meets the criteria
- Time-Dependent:actions fire based on elapsed time (evaluated off of any date field in Salesforce)
2.Time-dependent actions have a time trigger
3.With time-dependent actions, the action is queued to fire as soon as the workflow criteria is meet; However, the action will not occur until it meets the time trigger.

Time- Dependent Workflow Considerations
1. Time-dependent workflow cannot be used when a rule is set to be evaluated every time a record is created or updated.
2.When a new workflow rule is created, it does not affect existing records.
3.Developers can monitor and remove pending actions by viewing the time-dependent workflow queue
4.If a record that has an action pending against in the time-based workflow queue is modified so that the reocrd no longer meets the criteria, or the timing changes, the action will be updated in the queue.

Time-Dependent Workflow Use Cases
1.If an the status of an offer is Sent for more that 2 days, assign a task to the owner of the offer reminding them to follow up.
2.If the number of interviewers associated with a position is zero for more than 30 days after the position is created, send an email to the hiring manager.
3. If a critical position remains in an Open status for more than 14 days, assign a task to the owner.

Let's Compare... Workflow Rules & Approval Processes
1.Workflow Rules
.Are triggered upon save
.Consist of one set of criteria and actions
.Can be modified or deleted 
2.Approval Processes
.Are triggered only when a user clicks "Submit for Approval"
.Consist of multiple steps
.Have entry criteria, step criteria, and step actions
.Have initial submission actions,rejection and approval actions, and actions for each step.
.Some attributes can't be modified, processes must be deactivated before the can be deleted.
3.Workflow Rules and Approval Processes can be used together.


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