watch 监听某个数据的变化(监听完调用什么函数) 一个数据影响多个数据 (比如:浏览器自适应、监控路由对象、监控自身属性变化)

computed 计算后返回新 一个数据受多个数据影响(比如:计算总价格、过滤某些数据)
watch: {
firstName(val) { this.fullName = val + this.lastName }
} computed: {
fullName() { this.firstName + this.lastName; }

watch 场景:


data() {
return {
height: ''
mounted() {
const _this = this
this.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight
localStorage.setItem('whVal', JSON.stringify({'height': this.height }))
window.onresize = function temp() {
_this.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight
watch: {
// 如果发生改变,这个函数就会运行
height() {
this.changeFixed(this.width, this.height)
// eventBus.$emit('onresize', {'height': this.height }) 或者通知其他组件变化
methods: {
changeFixed(width, height) { // 动态修改样式
localStorage.setItem('Layout', JSON.stringify({'height': height }))


new Vue({
el: '#app',
router: router, //开启路由对象
watch: {
'$route': function(newroute, oldroute) {
console.log(newroute, oldroute);

computed 场景:


<li v-for="(item,index) in addressListFilter" :class="{'check':checkIndex == index}" @click="checkIndex=index;selectedAddrId=item._id"></li>
<a @click="expand" v-bind:class="{'open':limit>3}">展开更多</a> data(){
return {
addressList:[], // 地址列表
limit:3, // 限制默认显示3个地址
return this.addressList.slice(0,this.limit);
expand(){ // 点击more更多
if(this.limit ==3){
this.limit = this.addressList.length;
this.limit =3;


<span v-for="(item,index) in navList" :key="index" @click="type = index" :class="{'active':type===index}">{{item}}</span>
<li v-for="(item,index) in taskListfilter" :key="index">
data() {
return {
navList: ['全部', '实时单', '竞价单'],
computed: {
taskListfilter() {
switch (this.type) {
case 0:return this.taskList
case 1:return this.taskList.filter(item => item.type === '实时单')
case 2:return this.taskList.filter(item => item.type === '竞价单')
// default :return this.taskList

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