
ERROR: Could not find a package configuration file provided by "LLVM" (requested version 4.0) with any of the following names
export LLVM_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm@4/4.0.1/lib/cmake
cleos/localize.hpp:7:10: fatal error: 'libintl.h' file not found

brew reinstall gettext
brew unlink gettext && brew link gettext --force
eos/build/programs/nodeos/config.hpp:13:33: error: invalid suffix 'x' on integer constant

重新下载tag dawn4版本进行编译通过
EOS.IO has been successfully built. 0:0:10

    To verify your installation run the following commands:

    /usr/local/bin/mongod -f /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf &
cd /opt/eos/build; make test For more information:
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EOS.IO wiki: https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/wiki
cd build
sudo make install

eos 特性


eos数据库使用指南 参照 Boost Multi-Index Containers容器进行理解
【系列】EOS智能合约开发31 - 使用数据库的智能合约实例
【系列】EOS智能合约开发32 - 详解Multi-Index(上)
【系列】EOS智能合约开发33 - 详解Multi-Index(下)
【系列】EOS智能合约开发34 - EOS开发命令阶段性总结


创建合约eosiocpp -n ballot

// ballot.hpp

* @file
* @copyright defined in eos/LICENSE.txt
#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <string> using namespace eosio;
using std::string; class Ballot : public eosio::contract
using contract::contract;
Ballot(account_name self) : contract(self) {} // 投票发起人接口
void addposposal(string posposal_name); // 初始化投票提案
void addvoter(account_name voter_name, uint64_t weight = 1); // 初始化投票人
// 普通选民接口
void delegate(account_name voter, account_name delegate_to); // 委托投票(跟随投票)
void vote(account_name voter, string proposal); // 投票给某个提议
void winproposal(); // 返回投票数最多的提议
void allproposal(); // 返回全部提案投票状态 private:
// 定义投票人
struct voter
account_name account; // 投票人
uint64_t weight; // 权重
bool voted; // 如果值为true,代表这个投票人已经投过票
uint64_t delegate_account; // 委托投票人地址
string pos_name; // 投票提案名 uint64_t primary_key() const { return account; } EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(voter, (account)(weight)(voted)(delegate_account)(pos_name));
// 提案的数据结构
struct posposal
string name; // 提案的名称
uint64_t voteCount; // 提议接受的投票数 uint64_t primary_key() const { return eosio::string_to_name(name.c_str()); } EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(posposal, (name)(voteCount));
}; typedef eosio::multi_index<N(voter), voter> voter_index;
typedef eosio::multi_index<N(posposal), posposal> posposal_index;
// ballot.cpp

#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include "ballot.hpp" using namespace eosio; // 投票发起人接口
void Ballot::addposposal(string posposal_name) // 初始化投票提案
require_auth(_self); posposal_index posposals(_self, _self);
auto it = posposals.find(eosio::string_to_name(posposal_name.c_str()));
eosio_assert(it == posposals.end(), "posposal exist"); posposals.emplace(_self, [&](auto &a) {
a.name = posposal_name;
a.voteCount = 0;
void Ballot::addvoter(account_name voter_name, uint64_t weight /* =1 */) // 初始化投票人
eosio_assert(weight > 0, "must positive weight"); voter_index voters(_self, _self);
auto it = voters.find(voter_name); eosio_assert(it == voters.end(), "voter exist");
voters.emplace(_self, [&](auto &a) {
a.account = voter_name;
a.weight = weight;
a.voted = false;
a.delegate_account = 0;
a.pos_name = "";
// 普通选民接口
void Ballot::delegate(account_name voter, account_name delegate_to) // 委托投票(跟随投票)
require_auth(voter); voter_index voters(_self, _self);
auto vit = voters.find(voter);
eosio_assert(vit->voted == false, "is voted");
eosio_assert(vit != voters.end(), "voter not exist");
auto it = voters.find(delegate_to);
eosio_assert(it != voters.end(), "delegate_to not exist"); while (it != voters.end() && it->delegate_account != 0 && it->delegate_account != voter)
it = voters.find(it->delegate_account); eosio_assert(it != voters.end(), "delegate obj not exist");
eosio_assert(it->account != voter, "not delegate self"); if (it->voted)
vote(voter, it->pos_name);
voters.modify(it, _self, [&](auto &a) {
a.weight += vit->weight;
voters.modify(vit, _self, [&](auto &a) {
a.voted = true;
void Ballot::vote(account_name voter, string proposal) // 投票给某个提议
posposal_index posposals(_self, _self);
auto it = posposals.find(eosio::string_to_name(proposal.c_str()));
eosio_assert(it != posposals.end(), "posposal not exist"); voter_index voters(_self, _self);
auto vit = voters.find(voter);
eosio_assert(vit->voted == false, "is voted");
eosio_assert(vit != voters.end(), "voter not exist"); voters.modify(vit, _self, [&](auto &a) {
a.voted = true;
a.pos_name = proposal;
}); posposals.modify(it, _self, [&](auto &a) {
a.voteCount += vit->weight;
void Ballot::winproposal() // 返回投票数最多的提议
posposal_index posposals(_self, _self);
auto win = posposal();
uint64_t max = 0;
for (auto it : posposals)
if (it.voteCount > max)
max = it.voteCount;
win = it;
if (max > 0)
eosio::print("win posposal is: ", win.name.c_str(), "vote count", win.voteCount, "\n");
eosio::print("not vote", "\n");
void Ballot::allproposal() // 返回全部提案投票状态
posposal_index posposals(_self, _self);
uint64_t idx = 0;
for (auto it : posposals)
eosio::print(" posposal ", idx, ":", it.name.c_str(), "vote count", it.voteCount, "\n");
} EOSIO_ABI(Ballot, (addposposal)(addvoter)(delegate)(vote)(winproposal)(allproposal))

eosiocpp -o ballot.wast ballot.cpp
eosiocpp -g ballot.abi ballot.cpp



cleos create key
Private key: 5JMiZ1VyByUsHuRR9homayUFKM6buMLzyBeJ6p5ToMEn5N27p1B
Public key: EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak


cleos wallet create -n gxk
Creating wallet: gxk
Save password to use in the future to unlock this wallet.
Without password imported keys will not be retrievable.


cleos create account eosio acc1 EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak  EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak

cleos create account eosio acc2 EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak  EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak

cleos create account eosio acc3 EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak  EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak

cleos create account eosio acc4 EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak  EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak

cleos create account eosio acc5 EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak  EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak

cleos create account eosio accballot EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak  EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak


# cleos get accounts EOS8PPs1yQ4bkBDMAzGGNigPWmKLNBV6FULFq8TmcNFP9Pv5Jgvak
"account_names": [


# cleos set contract accballot   /opt/eos/contracts/ballot
Reading WAST/WASM from /opt/eos/contracts/ballot/ballot.wast...
Using already assembled WASM...
Publishing contract...
executed transaction: c01fc59198803da7206a94751d6913500b1a06d2a36fb643bc136e0e94344898 7872 bytes 5781 us
# eosio <= eosio::setcode {"account":"accballot","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000017a1460027f7f0060037f7e7e00...
# eosio <= eosio::setabi {"account":"accballot","abi":{"types":[],"structs":[{"name":"addposposal","base":"","fields":[{"name...
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet #cleos get code accballot
code hash: adaa3df4b876295a8eb185edf9668f110d83d8af03dce0ccdc6ae9503967fd00


#cleos push action accballot addposposal '["baidu"]' -p accballot
executed transaction: f0b54c41b0418d7785dd37f0db30099e50b6a6426ed10b3741ff22d7c143285a 104 bytes 11014 us accballot <= accballot::addposposal {"posposal_name":"baidu"}
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet #cleos push action accballot addposposal '["alibaba"]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addposposal '["163"]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addposposal '["360"]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addposposal '["qq"]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addposposal '["yy"]' -p accballot
// 返回投票状态
#cleos push action accballot allproposal '[]' -p acc1
executed transaction: 672fc91ea96bd9509850162dd1866eb4a625afd844e488883129df648ea26202 96 bytes 1063 us
accballot <= accballot::allproposal {}
>> posposal 0:163vote count0 // 查询投票结果:当前未进行过投票
#cleos push action accballot winproposal '[]' -p acc1
executed transaction: e37d6ea6577055bfe33a053c29cf369b7c2702550078af99627f1fea9fa92620 96 bytes 1086 us
accballot <= accballot::winproposal {}
>> not vote


#cleos push action accballot addvoter '["acc1",1]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addvoter '["acc2",1]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addvoter '["acc3",1]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addvoter '["acc4",1]' -p accballot
#cleos push action accballot addvoter '["acc5",1]' -p accballot
executed transaction: 954165ee5be714b7ef31a3183cbda179b69d8c2ea159c4447ee2ed0c4283c2d8 112 bytes 468 us
accballot <= accballot::addvoter {"voter_name":"acc5","weight":1}
warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet


#cleos push action accballot vote '["acc1","qq"]' -p acc1
#cleos push action accballot vote '["acc2","qq"]' -p acc2
#cleos push action accballot vote '["acc3","163"]' -p acc3
#cleos push action accballot vote '["acc4","qq"]' -p acc4
#cleos push action accballot delegate '["acc5","acc3"]' -p acc5


cleos push action accballot winproposal '[]' -p acc1
executed transaction: a30ce81cfc3bb5eaf51e8dbbe8ff88723af3f46f1ba8c69c434aa95917aecf81 96 bytes 941 us
accballot <= accballot::winproposal {}
>> win posposal is: qqvote count3


148655ms thread-0   apply_context.cpp:29          print_debug          ]
[(accballot,allproposal)->accballot]: CONSOLE OUTPUT BEGIN =====================
posposal 0:163vote count2
posposal 0:360vote count0
posposal 0:alibabavote count0
posposal 0:baiduvote count0
posposal 0:qqvote count3
posposal 0:yyvote count0 [(accballot,allproposal)->accballot]: CONSOLE OUTPUT END =====================


  • 函数名不支持大写字母,不支持下划线,不能超过12个字符长度
  • 结构体名不要使用大写,持久化的数据表操作会受影响(类名大写暂未碰到问题)

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