
class Solution:
def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
rows = [{} for i in range(9)]
column = [{} for i in range(9)]
box = [{} for i in range(9)]
for i in range(9):
for j in range(9):
# 读取元素
nums = board[i][j]
# 计算3*3方格的下标
index = (i //3) *3 + j//3
if nums!='.':
# 字典的get() 如果nums元素没有,则生成并赋值为0,然后对值加1
rows[i][nums] = rows[i].get(nums,0)+1
column[j][nums] = column[j].get(nums,0)+1
box[index][nums] = box[index].get(nums,0)+1
if rows[i][nums]>1 or column[j][nums]>1 or box[index][nums]>1:
return False
return True


1. 用字典的值的方法来判断元素是否出现两次

2.3*3方格的下标判断:当i<3时, j//3 决定是第几个方格;当i>3时,(i //3 )*3 + j//3 共同决定是第几个方格。


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