
For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an eassay.Suppose there are two options upon the practice of setting fireworks:One is severe prohibition and the other permission.You are to make a choice between the two.Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


On the Practice of Setting Off fireworks
Nowadays,the convention of setting off fireworks on the Spring Festival is confronted with the prohibition from the government,which has aroused heated discussions.
Opinions vary from person to person.Some people think that fireworks should not to be banned,as they decorate the dark sky at night and always bring people p;easure and happiness.What's more,fireworks are often considered the symbol of auspiciousness and people believe they will have a bright future by setting them off during a festival.Others believe that it does more harm than good to set off fireworks because accidents frequently happen and people always get hurt.Also,settingoff fireworks will definitely lead to air pollution,which is likely to affect everyone.
There is no doubt that setting off fireworks has its merits as well as drawbacks.The key to solving this problem is to improve the quality of fireworks,which can not make sure that it is totally asfe to set off fireworks but also cause least pollution.


For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to college freshmen to express your views on how to maintain psychological health.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Dear friends:
As college freshmen,struggling to adapt yourselves to the college life,you must be confused about a lot of problems.On behalf of the Psychological Counseling Center,I would like to make several suggestions concerning(关于)psychological health to you.
First and foremost(首要的),keeep a keen interest in learning.An outstanding performance in your schoolwork will boost your confidence,thus allowing you to be immune from negative moods or thoughts to a great degree.Secondly,be on good terms with your roommates and communicate with your family members more.Studies show that people with strong family or social connections are psychological healther than those who lack a support network.Last but not least ,engage in regular exercise.Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health.Be sure to eat nutritions(有营养的) meals,drink plenty of water and get enough sleep and exercise,which help decrease depression and improve moods.
I hope these suggestion will be of help to you,and please feel free to contact the Psychological Counseling Center for any further questions.



英 [meɪnˈteɪn] 美 [menˈten]
保持; 保养; 坚持; 固执己见;


英 [ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl]
美 [ˌsaɪkəˈlɑ:dʒɪkl]
心理的; 精神上的,精神(现象)的; 心理学(上)的; 关于心理学的;


英 ['strʌglɪŋ] 美 ['strʌglɪŋ]

搏斗( struggle的现在分词 ); 奋斗; 努力; 争取;


英 [ki:n] 美 [kin]
厉害的,强烈的; 敏锐的,敏捷的; 锐利的; 热心的;




英 [bu:st] 美 [bust]
促进,提高; 增加; 吹捧; 向上推起;

宣扬; [美国俚语](尤指在商店)行窃,偷窃;

提高,增加; 帮助; 吹捧; 加速[助推]器;


英 [ɪˈmju:n] 美 [ɪˈmjoon]
免疫的; 有免疫力的; 不受影响的; 免除…的;


英 [dɪˈgri:] 美 [dɪˈɡri]

[乐]音阶,度; [数]度,度数; 程度; 学位;

e on good terms



英 [ɪnˈgeɪdʒ] 美 [ɪn'gedʒ]
吸引住; 聘用; 与…交战;

与…建立密切关系; 衔接; 从事; 紧密结合;


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