








Timeline: { "Latency": 0.092 secs, "Request Duration": 0.092 secs, "Serialization Duration": 0.458 secs, "Total Duration": 0.551 secs }


  • Latency: 0.092 secs 延迟,它表示从请求开始到收到或者发送第一个字节的时间长度,这里把它理解成建立连接花费的时间
  • Request Duration: 0.092 secs 请求时间,它表示从请求开始到结束的时间长度。这里跟Latency: 0.092 secs都是0.092,原因是我用的POST请求
  • Serialization Duration: 0.458 secs 序列化用时,这里用了0.458秒,说明在当前的这个请求中,最耗时的操作是数据的序列化,因此,程序可以在这方面进行优化
  • Total Duration: 0.551 secs 总耗时 用序列化完成的时间点减去请求开始的时间点

print(response.timeline)之所以能够打印出上边这些信息,是因为它重写了CustomStringConvertible协议的var description: String。当然,如果要打印更详细的信息,可以重写CustomDebugStringConvertiblevar debugDescription: String。我们通过代码打印出来:



Timeline: { "Request Start Time": 513055266.217, "Initial Response Time": 513055266.241, "Request Completed Time": 513055266.241, "Serialization Completed Time": 513055266.752, "Latency": 0.024 secs, "Request Duration": 0.024 secs, "Serialization Duration": 0.511 secs, "Total Duration": 0.535 secs }




  • Response.swift Timeline作为Response的一个属性,肯定会出现在这里

  • Timeline.swift 这是它自身的实现

  • ResponseSerialization.swift 在这个文件中,为Request做了一个扩展,代码如下:

      extension Request {
    var timeline: Timeline {
    let requestCompletedTime = self.endTime ?? CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
    let initialResponseTime = self.delegate.initialResponseTime ?? requestCompletedTime return Timeline(
    requestStartTime: self.startTime ?? CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(),
    initialResponseTime: initialResponseTime,
    requestCompletedTime: requestCompletedTime,
    serializationCompletedTime: CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()





/// Responsible for computing the timing metrics for the complete lifecycle of a `Request`.
public struct Timeline {
/// The time the request was initialized.
public let requestStartTime: CFAbsoluteTime /// The time the first bytes were received from or sent to the server.
public let initialResponseTime: CFAbsoluteTime /// The time when the request was completed.
public let requestCompletedTime: CFAbsoluteTime /// The time when the response serialization was completed.
public let serializationCompletedTime: CFAbsoluteTime /// The time interval in seconds from the time the request started to the initial response from the server.
public let latency: TimeInterval /// The time interval in seconds from the time the request started to the time the request completed.
public let requestDuration: TimeInterval /// The time interval in seconds from the time the request completed to the time response serialization completed.
public let serializationDuration: TimeInterval /// The time interval in seconds from the time the request started to the time response serialization completed.
public let totalDuration: TimeInterval /// Creates a new `Timeline` instance with the specified request times.
/// - parameter requestStartTime: The time the request was initialized. Defaults to `0.0`.
/// - parameter initialResponseTime: The time the first bytes were received from or sent to the server.
/// Defaults to `0.0`.
/// - parameter requestCompletedTime: The time when the request was completed. Defaults to `0.0`.
/// - parameter serializationCompletedTime: The time when the response serialization was completed. Defaults
/// to `0.0`.
/// - returns: The new `Timeline` instance.
public init(
requestStartTime: CFAbsoluteTime = 0.0,
initialResponseTime: CFAbsoluteTime = 0.0,
requestCompletedTime: CFAbsoluteTime = 0.0,
serializationCompletedTime: CFAbsoluteTime = 0.0)
self.requestStartTime = requestStartTime
self.initialResponseTime = initialResponseTime
self.requestCompletedTime = requestCompletedTime
self.serializationCompletedTime = serializationCompletedTime self.latency = initialResponseTime - requestStartTime
self.requestDuration = requestCompletedTime - requestStartTime
self.serializationDuration = serializationCompletedTime - requestCompletedTime
self.totalDuration = serializationCompletedTime - requestStartTime
} // MARK: - CustomStringConvertible extension Timeline: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes the latency, the request
/// duration and the total duration.
public var description: String {
let latency = String(format: "%.3f", self.latency)
let requestDuration = String(format: "%.3f", self.requestDuration)
let serializationDuration = String(format: "%.3f", self.serializationDuration)
let totalDuration = String(format: "%.3f", self.totalDuration) // NOTE: Had to move to string concatenation due to memory leak filed as rdar://26761490. Once memory leak is
// fixed, we should move back to string interpolation by reverting commit 7d4a43b1.
let timings = [
"\"Latency\": " + latency + " secs",
"\"Request Duration\": " + requestDuration + " secs",
"\"Serialization Duration\": " + serializationDuration + " secs",
"\"Total Duration\": " + totalDuration + " secs"
] return "Timeline: { " + timings.joined(separator: ", ") + " }"
/// 使用timeline 可以让我们很清楚的查看某个网络请求过程的耗时,可以借此分析服务器端是不是有问题,同时也可以简介的得出当前的网络情况
// MARK: - CustomDebugStringConvertible extension Timeline: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// The textual representation used when written to an output stream, which includes the request start time, the
/// initial response time, the request completed time, the serialization completed time, the latency, the request
/// duration and the total duration.
public var debugDescription: String {
let requestStartTime = String(format: "%.3f", self.requestStartTime)
let initialResponseTime = String(format: "%.3f", self.initialResponseTime)
let requestCompletedTime = String(format: "%.3f", self.requestCompletedTime)
let serializationCompletedTime = String(format: "%.3f", self.serializationCompletedTime)
let latency = String(format: "%.3f", self.latency)
let requestDuration = String(format: "%.3f", self.requestDuration)
let serializationDuration = String(format: "%.3f", self.serializationDuration)
let totalDuration = String(format: "%.3f", self.totalDuration) // NOTE: Had to move to string concatenation due to memory leak filed as rdar://26761490. Once memory leak is
// fixed, we should move back to string interpolation by reverting commit 7d4a43b1.
let timings = [
"\"Request Start Time\": " + requestStartTime,
"\"Initial Response Time\": " + initialResponseTime,
"\"Request Completed Time\": " + requestCompletedTime,
"\"Serialization Completed Time\": " + serializationCompletedTime,
"\"Latency\": " + latency + " secs",
"\"Request Duration\": " + requestDuration + " secs",
"\"Serialization Duration\": " + serializationDuration + " secs",
"\"Total Duration\": " + totalDuration + " secs"
] return "Timeline: { " + timings.joined(separator: ", ") + " }"






Alamofire源码解读系列(一)之概述和使用 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(二)之错误处理(AFError) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(三)之通知处理(Notification) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(四)之参数编码(ParameterEncoding) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(五)之结果封装(Result) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(六)之Task代理(TaskDelegate) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(七)之网络监控(NetworkReachabilityManager) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(八)之安全策略(ServerTrustPolicy) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(九)之响应封装(Response) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(十)之序列化(ResponseSerialization) 简书-----博客园

Alamofire源码解读系列(十一)之多表单(MultipartFormData) 简书-----博客园


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