1. Refactor the following code (C#) to use polymorphism instead of if-else. Please provide your answer in C#, Java or C++.  Alternatively for partial points, you could describe the type of change using UML to aid your response.

public class Calculator


public int Calculate(int a, int b, Operation operation)


if (operation.Type == "add")


return a + b;


else if (operation.Type == "subtract")


return a - b;


else if (operation.Type == "multiply")


return a * b;




throw new Exception("Unknown operation type");




public class Operation


public string Type { get; set; }


My Initial Answer:



publicint NumberA { get;set;}

publicint NumberB { get; set; }

publicvirtuallong Calculate(int a, int b);


publicclassAddCalculator : Calculator


publicint NumberA { get; set; }

publicint NumberB { get; set; }

publicoverridelong Calculate(int a, int b)


return NumberA + NumberB;



publicclassMinusCalculator : Calculator


publicint NumberA { get; set; }

publicint NumberB { get; set; }

publicoverridelong Calculate(int a, int b)


return NumberA - NumberB;



publicclassMultiplyCalculator : Calculator


publicint NumberA { get; set; }

publicint NumberB { get; set; }

publicoverridelong Calculate(int a, int b)


return NumberA * NumberB;



2. The following two tables contain data relating to stock holdings and stock prices respectively:

How would you manipulate this data in order to return the total value (Units * Price) of the client holdings in each stock (you can use SQL, Excel functions or any other means to answer this)?

My Initial Answer:

Select StockHoldings.Units as x, StockPrice.PrizeNZD  as y, sum(x*y) from StockHoldings join StockPrice on StockHoldings.StockCode= StockPrice. StockCode group by StockHoldings.ClientID

3. List as many faults with the following code as you can find

Public Class ClassRubbish

Public Function ReallyRubbishFunction(clientRecords As List)

Dim i, j As Decimal

If clientRecords.Count <= 0 Then


Do Until clientRecords.AtEnd()

Console.WriteLine("I've got another clientrecord!")

i = i + 1

''' following line of code commented out by Jason 5/02/2014



End If

Console.WriteLine("Total number of client records" & 5)

End Function

End Class

4. The following code could be simplified / consolidated. Rewrite it in a more sensible way:

        void CalculateTaxAndRewardPoints()


            if (state == TEXAS)


                rate = TX_RATE;

                amt = baseRate * TX_RATE;

                calc = 2 * basis(amt) + extra(amt) * 1.05;


            else if ((state == OHIO) || (state == MAINE))


                if (state == OHIO)

                    rate = OH_RATE;


                    rate = MN_RATE;

                amt = baseRate * rate;

                calc = 2 * basis(amt) + extra(amt) * 1.05;

                if (state == OHIO)

                    points = 2;




                rate = 1;

                amt = baseRate;

                calc = 2 * basis(amt) + extra(amt) * 1.05;



5. Write some code in any programming language (please specify which) that accepts an integer variable and returns a string variable containing the word “FIZZ” if the integer is a multiple of 3, “BUZZ” if it is a multiple of 5, “FIZZBUZZ” if it is a multiple of both 3 and 5, or “REJECT” if it is a multiple of neither 3 nor 5.


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