what is yaml ?
what is yaml ?
when I fist time meeting it is in java projects she as a system config file to my eyes .
当我第一次遇到YAML 文件是在java的工程中它是一个项目系统的配置文件。
YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.
YAML 是所有编程语言的人性化的数据系列化标准。 官网如下www.ymal.org
YAML Resources:
YAML 1.2 (3rd Edition): http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html
YAML 1.1 (2nd Edition): http://yaml.org/spec/1.1/
YAML 1.0 (1st Edition): http://yaml.org/spec/1.0/
YAML Issues Page: https://github.com/yaml/yaml/issues
YAML Mailing List: yaml-core@lists.sourceforge.net
YAML IRC Channel: "#yaml on irc.freenode.net"
YAML Cookbook (Ruby): http://yaml4r.sourceforge.net/cookbook/ (local)
YAML Reference Parser: http://ben-kiki.org/ypaste/ Projects:
C/C++ Libraries:
- libyaml # "C" Fast YAML 1.1
- Syck # (dated) "C" YAML 1.0
- yaml-cpp # C++ YAML 1.2 implementation
- psych # libyaml wrapper (in Ruby core for 1.9.)
- RbYaml # YAML 1.1 (PyYAML Port)
- yaml4r # YAML 1.0, standard library syck binding
- PyYAML # YAML 1.1, pure python and libyaml binding
- ruamel.yaml # YAML 1.2, update of PyYAML with round-tripping of comments
- PySyck # YAML 1.0, syck binding
- JvYaml # Java port of RbYaml
- SnakeYAML # Java / YAML 1.1
- YamlBeans # To/from JavaBeans
- JYaml # Original Java Implementation
Perl Modules:
- YAML # Pure Perl YAML Module
- YAML::XS # Binding to libyaml
- YAML::Syck # Binding to libsyck
- YAML::Tiny # A small YAML subset module
- PlYaml # Perl port of PyYAML
- YamlDotNet # YAML 1.1 library with serialization support
- yaml-net # YAML 1.1 library
- yatools.net # (in-progress) YAML 1.1 implementation
- Go-yaml # YAML support for the Go language.
- Go-gypsy # Simplified YAML parser written in Go.
- php-yaml # libyaml bindings (YAML 1.1)
- syck # syck bindings (YAML 1.0)
- spyc # yaml loader/dumper (YAML .?)
- ocaml-syck # YAML 1.0 via syck bindings
- JS-YAML # Native PyYAML port to JavaScript.
- JS-YAML Online# Browserified JS-YAML demo, to play with YAML in your browser.
- as3yaml # port of JvYAML (1.1)
- YamlReference # Haskell 1.2 reference parser
- yaml # YAML package for Dart
- yaml-rust # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Rust
- serde-yaml # YAML de/serialization of structs
- NimYAML # YAML 1.2 implementation in pure Nim
- yamlvim (src) # YAML dumper/emitter in pure vimscript Related Projects:
- Rx # Multi-Language Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
- Kwalify # Ruby Schemata Tool for JSON/YAML
- yaml_vim # vim syntax files for YAML
- yatools.net # Visual Studio editor for YAML
- JSON # Official JSON Website
- Pygments # Python language Syntax Colorizer /w YAML support News:
- -NOV- -- JS-YAML, a JavaScript YAML parser by Alexey Zapparov and Vitaly Puzrin.
- -AUG- -- Ruby 1.9. includes psych, a libyaml wrapper by Aaron Patterson.
- -AUG- -- vimscript parser/emitter was created by Nikolay Pavlov.
- -OCT- -- YAML 1.2 (3rd Edition) was patched.
- -JUL- -- YAML 1.2 (3rd Edition) was released.
- -APR- -- A new version of SnakeYAML was released.
- -APR- -- The YAML 1.2 spec was planned to be finalized by the end of the month.
- -JAN- -- Andrey Somov releases SnakeYAML, a 1.1 YAML Parser
- -JAN- -- Burt Harris announced YAML for .NET and editor for Visual Studio
- -DEC- -- Jesse Beder released YAML for C++
- -MAY- -- Oren Ben-Kiki has released a new YAML 1.2 spec draft
- -NOV- -- Alexey Zakhlestin has updated his Syck (YAML 1.0) binding for PHP
- -NOV- -- Derek Wischusen has release Action Script YAML 1.1
- -AUG- -- Kirill Simonov has released libyaml, a parser and emitter in "C"
- -JUN- -- Ola Bini is at it again, this time with a Java implementation
- -JUN- -- Christophe Lambrechts and Jonathan Slenders announced a .NET parser
- -MAY- -- Ola Bini released a pure-ruby YAML 1.1 parser and emitter
- -APR- -- Kirill's YAML 1.1 parser for Python is now at PyYAML
- -FEB- -- Spyc YAML for PHP is now at version 0.3
- -DEC- -- Makoto Kuwata has released Kwalify 0.5, YAML/JSON schema validator
- -DEC- -- Toby Ho has released Jyaml, a Java library for YAML based on Rolf Veen's work
- -AUG- -- Kirill Simonov has produce a wonderful Python binding for Syck
- -APR- -- As it turns out, YAML is a superset of the JSON serialization language
- -MAY- -- Why has released version 0.55 of Syck
- -DEC- -- Announcing YAML 1.1 Working Draft
- -OCT- -- YAML for Cocoa was released by Will Thimbley
- -FEB- -- Slaven Rezic announced a new version of his Javascript binding
- -JAN- -- Ingy, Oren, and Clark spent days hacking on the spec in Portland.
- -OCT- -- The Syck implementation with bindings for Ruby, Python,
and PHP is now at version .
- -APR- -- Mike Orr has taken over the Pure Python development.
- -APR- -- Brian Ingerson has created a FIT platform for Wiki-like testing.
- -JAN- -- Updates to specification.
- -JUL- -- Both the Ruby and Python parsers have made significant progress.
There is an article about YAML by Kendall Grant Clark at xml.com.
There is also a draft XML binding.
- -JUL- -- Brian Ingerson will be giving a minute presentation on YAML at the
O'Reilly Open Source Conference in San Diego on July 24th 2002.
- -FEB- -- Brian's Perl implementation YAML.pm, has been updated with new documentation.
Included in this release is YSH, a test shell for learning how YAML works.
- -JAN- -- YAML(tm) starts the new year with a new name YAML Ain't Markup Language.
- -MAY- -- YAML now has a mailing list at SourceForge.
- -MAY- -- YAML is started with a first pass specification.
# Maintained by Clark C. Evans
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