Code::Blocks默认的白色编辑器界面看久了眼睛很累, 所以想换成dark的主题, 眼睛会舒服些.

1. 安装好codeblocks后, 先运行一次, 关闭, 这时程序会提示你是否要保存default configuration. 点确定, 这样会生成如下文件


2. 打开default.conf

gedit ~/.codeblocks/default.conf

3. 复制如下颜色配置代码

<![CDATA[modnokai night shift v2]]>
<![CDATA[bright yellow]]>
<colour r="255" g="255" b="208" />
<colour r="255" g="255" b="208" />
<colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<BOLD bool="0" />
<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
<colour r="0" g="255" b="0" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
<keywords />
<![CDATA[dark gray]]>
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<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<colour r="42" g="56" b="54" />
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
<BOLD bool="0" />
<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<BOLD bool="0" />
<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="0" />
<colour r="255" g="128" b="0" />
<colour r="115" g="210" b="22" />
<colour r="255" g="0" b="128" />
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<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
<colour r="0" g="155" b="45" />
<colour r="0" g="155" b="45" />
<colour r="0" g="128" b="255" />
<colour r="0" g="255" b="0" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<colour r="238" g="238" b="236" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="136" g="138" b="133" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="136" g="138" b="133" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="136" g="138" b="133" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
<colour r="52" g="101" b="164" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
<colour r="164" g="0" b="0" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="185" g="49" b="0" />
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<colour r="24" g="33" b="33" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
<colour r="114" g="159" b="207" />
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<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
<colour r="238" g="238" b="236" />
<colour r="164" g="0" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]>
<keywords />
<![CDATA[son of obsidian]]>
<colour r="241" g="242" b="243" />
<colour r="34" g="40" b="42" />
<colour r="241" g="242" b="243" />
<colour r="34" g="40" b="42" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="102" g="116" b="123" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="102" g="116" b="123" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="102" g="116" b="123" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="236" g="118" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
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<colour r="80" g="80" b="80" />
<![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]>
<keywords />
<![CDATA[solarized light]]>
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<colour r="88" g="110" b="117" />
<colour r="253" g="246" b="227" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
<colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
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<![CDATA[solarized dark]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
<colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
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<colour r="7" g="54" b="66" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<keywords />
<![CDATA[modnokai coffee]]>
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<colour r="39" g="40" b="34" />
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<colour r="39" g="40" b="34" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
<colour r="128" g="255" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<colour r="249" g="38" b="114" />
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="224" g="160" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="230" g="220" b="110" />
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<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<colour r="0" g="255" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="255" g="0" b="255" />
<colour r="255" g="0" b="0" />
<colour r="0" g="0" b="255" />
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<colour r="64" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
<![CDATA[slush n poppies]]>
<colour r="241" g="241" b="241" />
<colour r="241" g="241" b="241" />
<colour r="64" g="96" b="64" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="192" g="48" b="48" />
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<UNDERLINED bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
<colour r="255" g="106" b="106" />
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<![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]>
<![CDATA[espresso libre]]>
<colour r="132" g="112" b="89" />
<colour r="42" g="33" b="28" />
<colour r="132" g="112" b="89" />
<colour r="42" g="33" b="28" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<colour r="4" g="155" b="10" />
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<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
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<![CDATA[modnokai night shift]]>
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
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<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
<colour r="117" g="113" b="94" />
<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
<colour r="128" g="255" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
<colour r="128" g="255" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="224" g="160" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<![CDATA[modnokai night shift v2]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
<colour r="128" g="255" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
<colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<ITALICS bool="1" />
<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
<colour r="224" g="160" b="0" />
<colour r="224" g="160" b="0" />
<colour r="249" g="38" b="114" />
<colour r="166" g="226" b="46" />
<colour r="17" g="64" b="76" />
<colour r="34" g="40" b="42" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
<![CDATA[__cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]>
<NAME bool="1">

4. 将复制的代码替换掉原来default.conf中的如下部分

<default />

5. 启动Code::Blocks, 选定settings -> Editor -> Syntax Highlighting, 在Colour Theme中选定自己喜欢的主题, 最后点击OK即可.


1. 如何更新Code::blocks到最新版本


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pasgui/ppa
sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install codeblocks

2. 调试时鼠标放在变量上显示变量值

如果想实现VC中,鼠标放在变量上面就可以显示变量值的效果。只要选择"settings" => "complier and debugger "  在弹出的窗口中,选择 "debugger settings",选中"Evaluate expression under cursor"就可以了。

3. 改变光标颜色

背景为深色时, 可能看不到光标,可以在Setting-->Editor-->margins and caret-->caret的color中设置。

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