Eng1—English daily notes
English daily notes
1. As a side note
#作为附注,顺便说句题外话,和by the way意思相近,例句:
@1:As a side note, there is no equivalent to tapply in the plyr package.
2. Across the range of
@1:In order to improve all the mechanism, we' are looking across the range of all the platforms and areas.
3. zero in on
@1:When we had all zeroed in our guns on the enemy post, we opened fire.
@2: The plane zeroed in on the arms factory and distroyed it with one bomb.
4. boil down to
# 归结为,浓缩成,意味着
@1:It could simply boil down to a lack of opportunity: Women still earn less than menworking the same jobs and are underrepresented in the boardroom.
@2:Many data problems boil down to statistical tests
5. indoor and outdoor stadiums
6. TV commentators
7. during pregnancy
8. bell-shaped curve
@1:For many random variables, a good choice is the normal distribution, oftenrepresented as a bell-shaped curve, shown in Figure 1(对于许多随机变量来说,一个好的选择是正态分布,常常表现为一个钟型曲线,如图1 所示)
9. alternative hypothesis
10. computationally intensive
@1:Fisher’s exact test can be very computationally intensive for large tables, so statisticians
usually use an alternative test: chi-squared tests。
1. switch hitters
@1:As you can see, the proportion of switch hitters (bats=="B") increases with higher batting average(击球率)
2. mosaic plot
vt. 规划/制定;用公式表示;明确地表达
@1:If you formulate something such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully. 构想出 (计划或提案);
Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape:他一点一点地构想出了他的逃跑计划
@2:If you formulate a thought, opinion, or idea, you express it or describe it using particular words. 用独特的词语表述
I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas:我对他表述自己想法的独特用词印象深刻。
# 专有的,特有的,私有的,专利的
R is a good substitute for expensive, proprietary statistics software packages
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