McNemar test麦克尼马尔检验
McNemar’s Test用于配对的2*2表格,例如如果你要比较两个医生对同一个病人治疗效果。一个病人自控,药物治疗前和治疗后结果比较。
McNemar’s Test用于检验(a+b)/N 和(a+c/N)是否显著?
McNemar’s Test的两个分类变量不是独立的,而是相关的,因为(a+b)/N 和(a+c/N)都包含a
McNemar’s Test This is a matched pair test for 2 * 2 tables. For example,
if you want to see if two doctors obtain comparable results
when checking (the same) patients, you would use this test.
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- '''
QQ:231469242,by Toby
'''- # Import standard packages
- import numpy as np
- import scipy.stats as stats
- import pandas as pd
- # additional packages
- from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.runs import cochrans_q, mcnemar
- #药物测试,对疾病是否治愈,要求相同对象群体
- #obs = np.array([[101, 121],[59, 33]])
- obs = np.array([[2, 4],[0, 4]])
- def Mcnemar(obs):
- '''McNemars Test should be run in the "exact" version, even though approximate formulas are
- typically given in the lecture scripts. Just ignore the statistic that is returned, because
- it is different for the two options.
- In the following example, a researcher attempts to determine if a drug has an effect on a
- particular disease. Counts of individuals are given in the table, with the diagnosis
- (disease: present or absent) before treatment given in the rows, and the diagnosis
- after treatment in the columns. The test requires the same subjects to be included in
- the before-and-after measurements (matched pairs).
- '''
- (statistic, pVal) = mcnemar(obs)
- print('\nMCNEMAR\'S TEST -----------------------------------------------------')
- print('p = {0:5.3f}'.format(pVal))
- if pVal < 0.05:
- print("There was a significant change")
- else:
- print("There was no significant change")
- Mcnemar(obs)
- '''
- p = 0.125
- There was no significant change
- '''
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