I personally would use a model similar to the following:

The product table would be pretty basic, your main product details:

create table product
part_number int, (PK)
name varchar(10),
price int
insert into product values
(1, 'product1', 50),
(2, 'product2', 95.99);

Second the attribute table to store the each of the different attributes.

create table attribute
attributeid int, (PK)
attribute_name varchar(10),
attribute_value varchar(50)
insert into attribute values
(1, 'color', 'red'),
(2, 'color', 'blue'),
(3, 'material', 'chrome'),
(4, 'material', 'plastic'),
(5, 'color', 'yellow'),
(6, 'size', 'x-large');

Finally create the product_attribute table as the JOIN table between each product and its attributes associated with it.

create table product_attribute
part_number int, (FK)
attributeid int (FK)
insert into product_attribute values
(1, 1),
(1, 3),
(2, 6),
(2, 2),
(2, 6);

Depending on how you want to use the data you are looking at two joins:

select *
from product p
left join product_attribute t
on p.part_number = t.part_number
left join attribute a
on t.attributeid = a.attributeid;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This returns data in the format:

1 | product1 | 50 | 1 | color | red
1 | product1 | 50 | 3 | material | chrome
2 | product2 | 96 | 6 | size | x-large
2 | product2 | 96 | 2 | color | blue
2 | product2 | 96 | 6 | size | x-large

But if you want to return the data in a PIVOT format where you have one row with all of the attributes as columns, you can use CASE statements with an aggregate:

SELECT p.part_number,
MAX(IF(a.ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'color', a.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null)) as color,
MAX(IF(a.ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'material', a.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null)) as material,
MAX(IF(a.ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'size', a.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, null)) as size
from product p
left join product_attribute t
on p.part_number = t.part_number
left join attribute a
on t.attributeid = a.attributeid
group by p.part_number, p.name, p.price;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Data is returned in the format:

1 | product1 | 50 | red | chrome | null
2 | product2 | 96 | blue | null | x-large

As you case see the data might be in a better format for you, but if you have an unknown number of attributes, it will easily become untenable due to hard-coding attribute names, so in MySQL you can use prepared statements to create dynamic pivots. Your code would be as follows (See SQL Fiddle With Demo):

SET @sql = NULL;
'MAX(IF(a.attribute_name = ''',
''', a.attribute_value, NULL)) AS ',
) INTO @sql
FROM attribute; SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT p.part_number
, p.name
, ', @sql, '
from product p
left join product_attribute t
on p.part_number = t.part_number
left join attribute a
on t.attributeid = a.attributeid
GROUP BY p.part_number
, p.name'); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

This generates the same result as the second version with no need to hard-code anything. While there are many ways to model this I think this database design is the most flexible.


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