merge two configure files, basic file is aFile
insert the added content of bFile compare to aFile
for example, 'bbb' is added content
a file content | b file content | c merged file content
111 | 111 | 111
aaa | bbb | aaa
| | bbb
222 | 222 | 222
def mergeFiles(aPath, bPath, cPath): with open(aPath, 'r') as f:
aLines = f.readlines();
aLines = [ line.strip() + '\n' for line in aLines] with open(bPath, 'r') as f:
bLines = f.readlines();
bLines = [ line.strip() + '\n' for line in bLines] cLines = mergeSequences(aLines, bLines) with open(cPath, 'w') as f:
for line in cLines:
f.write(line) '''
merge the sequence
def mergeSequences(aLines, bLines):
record = {}
lcs = findLCS(record, aLines, 0, bLines, 0)
currA = currB = 0
merged = []
for (line, aI, bI) in lcs: # add deleted
if aI > currA:
currA = aI + 1 # add added
if bI > currB:
currB = bI + 1 # add common
merged.append(line) if currA < len(aLines):
if currB < len(bLines):
merged.extend(bLines[currB:]) return merged '''
find Longest common subsequence
return list of (line, x, y)
line is common line, x is the index in aLines, y is the index in bLines
TODO: eliminate recursive invoke, use dynamic algorithm
def findLCS(record, aLines, aStart, bLines, bStart): key = lcsKey(aStart, bStart)
if record.has_key(key):
return record[key] aL = aLines[aStart:]
bL = bLines[bStart:]
if len(aL) > 0 and len(bL) > 0:
if aL[0] == bL[0]:
lsc = [(aL[0], aStart, bStart)]
lsc.extend(findLCS(record, aLines, aStart + 1, bLines, bStart + 1))
record[key] = lsc
return lsc
aLsc = findLCS(record, aLines, aStart, bLines, bStart + 1)
bLsc = findLCS(record, aLines, aStart + 1, bLines, bStart) if len(aLsc) > len(bLsc):
record[key] = aLsc
return aLsc
record[key] = bLsc
return bLsc
return [] Code

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