1. pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
  3. //枚举类型
  4. contract enumTest{
  5. enum ActionChoices{Left,Right,Straight,Still}
  6. // 0 1 2 3
  7. //input/output uint
  8. ActionChoices public _choice;
  9. ActionChoices defaultChoice = ActionChoices.Straight;
  11. function setStraight(ActionChoices choice) public{
  12. _choice = choice;
  13. }
  14. function getDefaultChoice() constant public returns(uint){
  15. return uint(defaultChoice); //
  16. }
  17. function isLeft(ActionChoices choice) constant public returns(bool){
  18. if (choice == ActionChoices.Left){
  19. return true; //
  20. }
  21. return false; //1,2,3
  22. }
  23. }
  24. //构造函数
  25. contract StructTest{
  26. struct Student{
  27. string name;
  28. uint sex;
  29. uint age;
  30. //uint year =15;ParserError: Expected ';' but got '=':Cannot be assigned within the constructor,unless use constructor public{}
  31. }
  33. Student public std1 = Student('lily',0,15);
  34. Student public std2 = Student({name:'lin',sex:1,age:17});
  35. /*
  36. 0: string: name lin
  37. 1: uint256: sex 1
  38. 2: uint256: age 17
  39. */
  41. Student [] public students;
  43. function assgin() public{
  44. students.push(std1);
  45. students.push(std2);
  46. std1.name ='eilinge';
  47. /*
  48. 0: string: name eilinge
  49. 1: uint256: sex 0
  50. 2: uint256: age 15
  51. */
  52. }
  53. }
  55. //映射/字典
  56. contract mappingTest{
  57. mapping(uint => string) id_names;
  59. /*
  60. mapping (_key => _values)
  61. 键的类型允许除映射外的所有类型,如数组、合约、枚举、结构体.值的类型无限制.
  62. 映射可以被视作一个哈希表,其中所有可能的键已被虚拟化的创建,被映射到一个默认值(二进制表示的零)
  63. 在映射表中,我们并不存储建的数据,仅仅储存它的keccak256哈希值,用来查找值时使用。
  64. 映射类型,仅能用来定义状态变量,或者是在内部函数中作为storage类型的引用
  65. */
  66. constructor() public{
  67. id_names[0x001] = 'jim';//构造函数内声明的全局变量,任意函数都可以进行调用
  68. id_names[0x002] = 'eilin';
  69. }
  71. function getNamebyId(uint id) constant public returns(string){
  72. string name = id_names[id]; //局部变量 name,仅能在本函数内使用,其他函数无法进行调用
  73. return name;
  74. }
  75. }
  77. //修改器
  78. pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
  80. contract modifierTest{
  81. address owner=msg.sender;
  82. uint public v3;
  84. modifier onlyowner(address own) {
  85. require(own == owner);
  86. _;
  87. }
  88. function setv3() onlyowner(msg.sender) {
  89. v3 = 10;
  90. }
  91. }


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