Unit 18 International Events
The Olympic Games is a major international sporting event and the opportunity to host this event is keenly contested by many countries. In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks of hosting an international sporting event such as the Olympic Games?
Model 1
Hosting the Olympic Games has become a huge undertaking, because of the cost of preparation and the overall financial risks involved. However, it is a wonderful opportunity for the host country, because of the chance for worldwide publicity and the prestige associated with the Games. This essay will discuss some of the problems, and also the positive aspects of being a host for the Olympics.
There can be no doubt that holding the Olympics involves financial risks. It is possible to lose money because of the expense of the special buildings and facilities needed for the Games. For example, the original budget of under 5 billion Euros for the Athens Olympics grew to 11 billion Euros, and that was a shock for the Greek Government. In addition, most countries have a limited budget for building projects and if it is all spent on preparations for the Games, this may mean there is less for other essential projects.
On the other hand, there are major benefits to be gained by hosting the Olympics. It is certainly a wonderful showcase for the host country because of the global interest
and TV coverage it generates. It also ensures significant investment in facilities such as stadiums, roads, water supply and accommodation. An additional bonus is the possible profit generated by the sale of TV rights, sponsorship, ticket sales and visitor expenditure. Over the 20 years to 2000, every country hosting the Olympics either broke even or made a profit. These advantages outweigh the disadvantages of hosting the Games.
The G8 summit is a major international event where countries meet to discuss important international issues. Recently, China and other countries have been included in this meeting. In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks of hosting an international event such as the G8 summit?
Model 2
Hosting the G8 summit is an important opportunity for any country because of the publicity and the possible political benefits. However, it has become a huge undertaking because of the soaring cost of preparation and the overall security risks it involves. In this essay, I will discuss some of the benefits to be gained by being a host for the G8 summit, and also consider some of the disadvantages.
There can be no doubt that there are major benefits to be gained by hosting the G8 summit. It is certainly a showcase for the culture and attractions of the host country because of the global interest and TV coverage it generates. It also ensures significant investment in facilities such as media centuries and accommodation. An additional bonus is the political benefit of being a member of the elite G8 group.
On the other hand, holding the G8 summit involves a considerable financial commitment. For example, the overall budget for the 2008 summit in Japan of 285 billion was more than triple that of the same event in Britain three years ago. That was a shock for the Japanese people. The cost of organizing the summit itself increased tenfold. In addition, half of the budget was spent on a massive security operation due to the fear of a terrorist attack.
5.Writing practice 分析
The World Cup is a very important event for soccer fans all over the world. Many countries compete for the honor of hosting this event. In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks of hosting an international sporting event such as the World Cup?
Model 1
Hosting the Olympic Games has become a huge undertaking, because of the cost of preparation and the overall financial risks involved. However, it is a wonderful opportunity for the host country, because of the chance for worldwide publicity and the prestige associated with the Games. This essay will discuss some of the problems, and also the positive aspects of being a host for the Olympics.
There can be no doubt that holding the Olympics involves financial risks. It is possible to lose money because of the expense of the special buildings and facilities needed for the Games. For example, the original budget of under ~5 billion for the Athens Olympics grew to ~ 11 billion, and that was a shock for the Greek Government. In addition, most countries have a limited budget for building projects and if it is all spent on preparations for the Games, this may mean there is less for other essential projects.
On the other hand, there are major benefits to be gained by hosting the Olympics. It is certainly a wonderful showcase for the host country because of the global interest
and TV coverage it generates. It also ensures significant investment in facilities such as stadiums, roads, water supply and accommodation. An additional bonus is the possible profit generated by the sale of TV rights, sponsorship, ticket sales and visitor expenditure. Over the 20 years to 2000, every country hosting the Olympics either broke even or made a profit. These advantages outweigh the disadvantages of hosting the Games.
7. 模拟练习
Some people think death penalty is cruel and should be banned while others argue it is still necessary. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
There are many countries conducting death penalty. Whether or not such practice is encouraged has aroused wide public concern. Some are strongly against it because of its cruelty. As far as I am concerned, I support the opinion.
There is some concern that social instability will be triggered without death penalty because death penalty can deter potential criminals to some extent. In other words, if someone commits crimes, he or she has to take it into consideration that his or her life might be paid for. In addition, the lives of law-abiding citizens can be assured. However, researchers conducted experiments many years to find out the direct link between crime rate and death penalty and so far they have found no evidence for it.
So, death penalty should be avoided for the reason that there are alternatives to achieve the same goals as death penalty: to curb crime rate (such as lengthening jail term or participating community service). Furthermore, there is no doubt that death penalty violates people of the rights to live.
In conclusion, death penalty should be the last resort. What is worth mentioning is that if government pays more attention on its citizens’ welfare, the crime rate will definitely be controlled.
Look at the pairs of sentences below. Combine them into one sentence by using 'because of (+noun phrase)' which means you will need to rewrite the sentence in brackets.
It is certainly a wonderful showcase for the host country. (It generates global interest and TV coverage.)
It is certainly a wonderful showcase for the host country because of the global interest and TV coverage it generates.
a. Athletes all over the world want to compete in the Olympics. (There is the chance to win a gold medal and become famous.)
b. The Japanese authorities spent half their budget on security. (They had fears of a terrorist attack.)
c. A lot of money had to be spent on media facilities and fibre-optic cables. (The location of the G8 summit was remote.)
d. Millions of people all over the world learn more about the Olympic host country. (The resulting TV coverage ensures this.)
e. The Olympic host country can make a profit. (The sale of TV rights, sponsorship and tickets makes this possible.)
f. There may be some drawbacks to hosting the Games. (The cost of buildings and preparations is high.)
g. However, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks...(The host country gains a lot of status and publicity as a result of the Games.)
h. International events represent a huge undertaking for all those involved. (There is a huge financial outlay and organisation involved in the preparations for these events.)
Look at the sentences below. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence and underline the words that the demonstrative pronoun (this / these) relates to.
a. Hosting the G8 summit is an important opportunity for any country. (This / These) is now recognised by most of the major political powers.
b. There are significant benefits to be gained by hosting the World Soccer Competition. (This / These) relate to the global interest and TV coverage generated by the games.
c. Half of the budget for the 2008 summit was spent on security. (This / These) totalled about L142 million.
d. The promises made at the previous summit had not yet been kept. (This / These) related to increased annual aid for African countries.
e. Holding the G8 summit involves a considerable financial commitment. (This / These) is not shared by the other members of the G8 group.
-Signpost words
Supporting the idea or opinion:
There can be no doubt that... However, … In addition,…
Also... For example,… An additional bonus...
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