It isn't where you came from. It's where you're going that counts.
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind
Dust and dirt soon accumulates if the house is not cleaned regularly.
Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will.
the president proclaimed that a new currency would be issued.
what he looks like proclaim that he is a person lives in the south of China.
The paint can be diluted with water to make a lighter shade.
If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water
We need to address the needs and expectations of the customer when planing an ad campaign.
The roof collapsed, showering us with dust and debris.
He was very strict, especially regarding his daughter’s relationships, and he had strongly disapproved of her first love
The definition of a global symbol that is not explicitly available for reference by modules linked with the module in which the definition occurs.
Every module should communicate with as few others as possible.
She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.
On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods.
The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather.
Their much reviled system in fact works far better than many highly praised ones elsewhere.
Now my work is secondary, but the case of our family is the most important thing.
We now have created the process definition of our business process.
glancing around to be sure that he had been bid by a society that he wanted
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