

struct node {
int val;
node *left, *right;
}; //the function of insert
node *insert(node *n, int key) {
if (n == NULL) {
node *t = new node;
t->val = key;
t->left = t->right = NULL;
return t;
else {
if (key < n->val) n->left = insert(n->left, key);
else n->right = insert(n->right, key);
return n;
//the function of find_key
bool find(node *n, int key) {
if (n == NULL) return false;
else if (key == n->val) return true;
else if (key > n->val) return find(n->right, key);
else return find(n->left, key);
} //the function of remove
node *remove(node *n, int key) {
if (n == NULL) return NULL;
else if (key < n->val) n->left = remove(n->left, key);
else if (key > n->val) n->right = remove(n->right, key);
else if (n->left == NULL) {
node *q = n->right;
delete n;
return q;
else if (n->left->right == NULL) {
node *q = n->left;
q->right = n->right;
delete n;
return q;
else {
node *q;
for (q = n->left; q->right->right != NULL; q = q->right);
node *r = q->right;
q->right = r->left;
r->left = n->left;
r->right = n->right;
delete n;
return r;
return n;


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