题目链接: HDU - 1501

Given three strings, you are to determine whether the third string can be formed by combining the characters in the first two strings. The first two strings can be mixed arbitrarily, but each must stay in its original order.
For example, consider forming "tcraete" from "cat" and
String A: cat
String B: tree
String C:
As you can see, we can form the third string by alternating
characters from the two strings. As a second example, consider forming "catrtee"
from "cat" and "tree":
String A: cat
String B: tree
String C:
Finally, notice that it is impossible to form "cttaree" from
"cat" and "tree".
The first line of input contains a single positive
integer from 1 through 1000. It represents the number of data sets to follow.
The processing for each data set is identical. The data sets appear on the
following lines, one data set per line.
For each data set, the line of
input consists of three strings, separated by a single space. All strings are
composed of upper and lower case letters only. The length of the third string is
always the sum of the lengths of the first two strings. The first two strings
will have lengths between 1 and 200 characters, inclusive.
For each data set, print:
Data set n:
if the third string can be formed from the first two, or
set n: no
if it cannot. Of course n should be replaced by the data set
number. See the sample output below for an example.
#define inf 0x7fffffff
using namespace std;
const int maxn=+; int flag;
char s[maxn],s2[maxn],s3[maxn+maxn];
int vis[maxn][maxn];
int cnt,cnt2,cnt3,len,len2,len3; void dfs(int sum,int x,int y)
if (sum >= len3) {flag=;return ;}
if (s[x]!=s3[sum] && s2[y]!=s3[sum])
return ;
if (vis[x][y]) return ;
if (s[x]==s3[sum]) dfs(sum+,x+,y);
if (s2[y]==s3[sum]) dfs(sum+,x,y+);
return ;
} int main()
int t,ncase=;
while (scanf("%d",&t)!=EOF)
while (t--)
if (s3[len3-]==s[len-]||s3[len3-]==s2[len2-])
if (flag) printf("Data set %d: yes\n",ncase++);
else printf("Data set %d: no\n",ncase++);
return ;

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