
1 jupyter notebook概述

Jupyter Notebook(此前被称为 IPython notebook)是一个交互式笔记本,支持运行 40 多种编程语言。
前端展现基于浏览器,可以远程使用(服务器上安装使用jupyter notebook)
跨平台 ipad就可以用?


jupyter kernelspec list

2 jupyter notebook安装

pip3 install jupyter
jupyter notebook

3 在jupyter notebook中运行pyspark

PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=jupyter PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS="notebook" ~/run/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/pyspark

4 在jupyter notebook中安装toree(scala for spark)


4.1 版本要求

scala: 2.10.4
spark: 1.6.2

4.2 配置环境变量

export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/scala/2.10.4
export PATH=$SCALA_HOME/bin:$PATH export SPARK_HOME="/Users/galaxy/run/spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6/"

4.3 执行安装

pip3 install --pre toree
jupyter toree install

4.4 运行

jupyter notebook
New -> Apache Toree-scala

5 参考资料

Running Spark Applications Using IPython and Jupyter Notebooks

Using IPython Notebook with Apache Spark - Hortonworks

27 Jupyter Notebook tips, tricks and shortcuts

GitHub - tribbloid/ISpark: An Apache Spark-shell backend for IPython

GitHub - alexarchambault/jupyter-scala: Lightweight Scala kernel for Jupyter / IPython 3

GitHub - apache/incubator-toree: Mirror of Apache Toree (Incubating)

Hadoop Dev | How to install Jupyter Notebook for Spark - Hadoop Dev

How to install the Scala Spark (Apache Toree) Jupyter kernel with GeoMesa support - GeoMesa - Confluence

Tour of the Jupyter (IPython3) notebook — Computational Statistics in Python 0.1 documentation
./jove-scala –kernel-spec

How it works

GitHub - andypetrella/spark-notebook: Interactive and Reactive Data Science using Scala and Spark.

jupyter与spark kernel结合的notebook安装及使用 - heng_2218的博客 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET

Author: galaxy

Created: 2016-10-24 Mon 09:49

Emacs 24.5.6 (Org mode 8.2.10)



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