Import CSV into DB using SSIS
Step 1: create a table
CREATE TABLE [EmployeeImported](
[EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ContactID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ManagerID] [int] NULL,
[Title] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[MaritalStatus] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[Gender] [char](1) NOT NULL,
[HireDate] [datetime] NOT NULL
Step 2: open SQL Server Business Intelligence studio. Select Integration Services Project
Step 3: Click on Control Flow and drag Data Flow Task to the right side pan
Step 3: Double click on the Control Flow task.
Step 4:It will take you to Data Flow pan.
Step5:Drag Flat File Source from Toolbox to Data Flow task pan.
Step 6: Configure New Connection by clicking New.
Step 7: Select the Path of the file and specify Text Qualifier. For me the text qualifier is comma(,).
Step 8: Click on Columns and adjust OutputColumnWidth – match it with width of your original data. If you do not know leave it as default (at 50).
Step 9: Click on on following screen.
Step 10: Now Select OLE DB Destination from right side Toolbox and drag to below the Flat File Source.
Step 11: Put them near to each other ad demonstrated below.
Step 12: Connect Green Arrow of Flat File Source with OLE DB Destination.
Step 13: Double click on OLE DB Destination and connect to the database and table created earlier in the code.
Step 14: After configuring connection the mapping needs to be adjusted as well.
Step 15: Now on mappings tab connect both the size. I have not connected very first column as it is identify column for me.
Step 16: Clicking OK will bring me to following screen.
Step 17: Now click on F5 and it will execute the package in debug mode.
More Info please client below url:
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