2014-03-21 20:20




 // 9.11 For a boolean expression and a target value, calculate how many ways to use parentheses on the expression to achieve that value.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; void booleanExpressionParentheses(string exp, int target, int &result, vector<string> &one_path, vector<vector<string> > &path)
if ((int)exp.length() == ) {
if (exp[] - '' == target) {
} string new_exp;
int i, j;
for (i = ; i < (int)exp.length(); i += ) {
new_exp = ""; for (j = ; j < i - ; ++j) {
} if (exp[i] == '&') {
new_exp.push_back(((exp[i - ] - '') & (exp[i + ] - '')) + '');
} else if (exp[i] == '|') {
new_exp.push_back(((exp[i - ] - '') | (exp[i + ] - '')) + '');
} else if (exp[i] == '^') {
new_exp.push_back(((exp[i - ] - '') ^ (exp[i + ] - '')) + '');
} for (j = i + ; j < (int)exp.length(); ++j) {
booleanExpressionParentheses(new_exp, target, result, one_path, path);
} int main()
int result;
int target;
int i, j;
string exp;
vector<vector<string> > path;
vector<string> one_path; while (cin >> exp >> target) {
result = ;
booleanExpressionParentheses(exp, target, result, one_path, path);
for (i = ; i < (int)path.size(); ++i) {
cout << "Path " << i + << endl;
for (j = ; j < (int)path[i].size(); ++j) {
cout << path[i][j] << endl;
cout << endl;
} for (i = ; i < (int)path.size(); ++i) {
one_path.clear(); cout << "Total number of ways to achieve the target value is " << result << "." << endl;
} return ;

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