
本文所用的算法 能够 形象的比喻就是在操场其中跑步。速度快的会把速度慢的扣圈 







解法例如以下: 当p2依照每次2步,p1每次一步的方式走,发现p2和p1重合,确定了单向链表有                                        






1、p1走的路径: p+c = n;        c为p1和p2相交点,距离环路入口的距离。

2、p2走的路径: p+c+k*L = 2*n。  L为环路的周长,k是整数; 







//Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.
using namespace std; struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode *next;
ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
}; class Solution {
ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {
ListNode* fast_walker = head;
if (has_cycle(head, fast_walker)){
ListNode* cur = head;
while (fast_walker != cur){
fast_walker = fast_walker->next;
cur = cur->next;
return cur;
else return NULL;
bool has_cycle(ListNode* head , ListNode* fast_walker){
ListNode* slow_walker = head;
while (slow_walker && fast_walker){
fast_walker = fast_walker->next;
if (fast_walker) fast_walker = fast_walker->next;
else break;
slow_walker = slow_walker->next;
if (fast_walker == slow_walker) return true;
return false;
}; int main(){
fstream fin("test.txt");
ListNode* head(0);//此时并没有分配存储地址
ListNode* tmp = head;//此时相当于 tmp = NULL
int in = 0;
while (fin >> in){
if (!head) {
head = new ListNode(in);
tmp = head;
while (tmp->next != NULL) tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = new ListNode(in);
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = NULL;
tmp->next = head->next;
Solution ss;
ListNode* retult = ss.detectCycle(head);
return 0;

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