cocod2d-x 之 CCTMXTiledMap & CCTMXLayer
CCSize m_tMapSize,地图大小(以瓦片为单位)
CCSize m_tTileSize,瓦片大小(以像素为单位)
int m_nMapOrientation,地图类型(enum{CCTMXOrientationOrtho,CCTMXOrientationHex,CCTMXOrientationIso,};)
CCArray* m_pObjectGroups,对象集合
CCDictionary* m_pProperties,属性字典
CCDictionary* m_pTileProperties,瓦片属性
static CCTMXTiledMap* create(const char *tmxFile)
static CCTMXTiledMap* createWithXML(const char* tmxString, const char* resourcePath)
bool initWithTMXFile(const char *tmxFile)
bool initWithXML(const char* tmxString, const char* resourcePath)
CCTMXLayer* layerNamed(const char *layerName)
CCTMXObjectGroup* objectGroupNamed(const char *groupName)
CCString *propertyNamed(const char *propertyName)
CCDictionary* propertiesForGID(int GID)
std::string m_sLayerName,图层名称
unsigned char m_cOpacity,透明度
unsigned int m_uMinGID
unsigned int m_uMaxGID
int m_nVertexZvalue,Z轴
bool m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ,由框架自动管理Z轴值
float m_fContentScaleFactor,缩放
CCSize m_tLayerSize,图层大小(以瓦片为单位)
CCSize m_tMapTileSize,瓦片大小(可能与tileMap不同)
unsigned int* m_pTiles,指向瓦片的指针
CCTMXTilesetInfo* m_pTileSet,图层瓦片信息
unsigned int m_uLayerOrientation,和tileMap一样
CCDictionary* m_pProperties图层属性
CCSprite* tileAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate),根据瓦片坐标返回瓦片精灵
unsigned int tileGIDAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate),根据瓦片坐标返回GID,如为空则返回0
unsigned int tileGIDAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate, ccTMXTileFlags* flags),同上且返回flags
void setTileGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& tileCoordinate),设置GID
void setTileGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& tileCoordinate, ccTMXTileFlags flags)
void removeTileAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate),删除瓦片
CCPoint positionAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate),返回像素坐标
CCString *propertyNamed(const char *propertyName),获取属性
virtual void addChild(CCNode * child, int zOrder, int tag),添加对象
void removeChild(CCNode* child, bool cleanup),删除对象
const char* getLayerName()
void setLayerName(const char *layerName)
- #ifndef __CCTMX_TILE_MAP_H__
- #define __CCTMX_TILE_MAP_H__
- #include "base_nodes/CCNode.h"
- #include "CCTMXObjectGroup.h"
- class CCTMXObjectGroup;
- class CCTMXLayer;
- class CCTMXLayerInfo;
- class CCTMXTilesetInfo;
- class CCTMXMapInfo;
- /** TMX地图类型 */
- enum
- {
- /** 平面地图 */
- CCTMXOrientationOrtho,
- /** 六角地图 */
- CCTMXOrientationHex,
- /** 三维地图(45度斜视) */
- CCTMXOrientationIso,
- };
- class CC_DLL CCTMXTiledMap : public CCNode
- {
- /** 地图尺寸(以瓦片为单位) */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCSize, m_tMapSize, MapSize);
- /** 地图尺寸(以像素为单位) */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCSize, m_tTileSize, TileSize);
- /** 地图类型(朝向) */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE(int, m_nMapOrientation, MapOrientation);
- /** 地图内对象集合 */
- CC_PROPERTY(CCArray*, m_pObjectGroups, ObjectGroups);
- /** 地图内对象字典 */
- CC_PROPERTY(CCDictionary*, m_pProperties, Properties);
- public:
- CCTMXTiledMap();
- virtual ~CCTMXTiledMap();
- /** 根据tmx文件创建地图 */
- static CCTMXTiledMap* create(const char *tmxFile);
- /** 根据xml字符串和资源路径创建地图 */
- static CCTMXTiledMap* createWithXML(const char* tmxString, const char* resourcePath);
- /** 根据tmx文件初始化地图 */
- bool initWithTMXFile(const char *tmxFile);
- /** 根据xml字符串和资源路径初始化地图 */
- bool initWithXML(const char* tmxString, const char* resourcePath);
- /** 获取地图中的层 */
- CCTMXLayer* layerNamed(const char *layerName);
- /** 获取对象集合 */
- CCTMXObjectGroup* objectGroupNamed(const char *groupName);
- /** 获取属性值 */
- CCString *propertyNamed(const char *propertyName);
- /** 根据GID返回属性字典 */
- CCDictionary* propertiesForGID(int GID);
- private:
- CCTMXLayer * parseLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo);
- CCTMXTilesetInfo * tilesetForLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo);
- void buildWithMapInfo(CCTMXMapInfo* mapInfo);
- protected:
- //地图属性字典
- CCDictionary* m_pTileProperties;
- };
- #ifndef __CCTMX_LAYER_H__
- #define __CCTMX_LAYER_H__
- #include "CCTMXObjectGroup.h"
- #include "base_nodes/CCAtlasNode.h"
- #include "sprite_nodes/CCSpriteBatchNode.h"
- #include "CCTMXXMLParser.h"
- class CCTMXMapInfo;
- class CCTMXLayerInfo;
- class CCTMXTilesetInfo;
- struct _ccCArray;
- class CC_DLL CCTMXLayer : public CCSpriteBatchNode
- {
- /** layer尺寸( 以tile为单位) */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCSize, m_tLayerSize, LayerSize);
- /** size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size) */
- /** layer尺寸( 以tile为单位,可能与tile不同) */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(CCSize, m_tMapTileSize, MapTileSize);
- /** pointer to the map of tiles */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE(unsigned int*, m_pTiles, Tiles);
- /** Tileset information for the layer */
- CC_PROPERTY(CCTMXTilesetInfo*, m_pTileSet, TileSet);
- /** Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation */
- CC_SYNTHESIZE(unsigned int, m_uLayerOrientation, LayerOrientation);
- /** properties from the layer. They can be added using Tiled */
- CC_PROPERTY(CCDictionary*, m_pProperties, Properties);
- public:
- /**
- * @js ctor
- * @lua NA
- */
- CCTMXLayer();
- /**
- * @js NA
- * @lua NA
- */
- virtual ~CCTMXLayer();
- /** creates a CCTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info */
- static CCTMXLayer * create(CCTMXTilesetInfo *tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo);
- /** initializes a CCTMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info
- * @lua NA
- */
- bool initWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo *tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo *layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo *mapInfo);
- /** dealloc the map that contains the tile position from memory.
- Unless you want to know at runtime the tiles positions, you can safely call this method.
- If you are going to call layer->tileGIDAt() then, don't release the map
- */
- void releaseMap();
- /** returns the tile (CCSprite) at a given a tile coordinate.
- The returned CCSprite will be already added to the CCTMXLayer. Don't add it again.
- The CCSprite can be treated like any other CCSprite: rotated, scaled, translated, opacity, color, etc.
- You can remove either by calling:
- - layer->removeChild(sprite, cleanup);
- - or layer->removeTileAt(ccp(x,y));
- @js getTileGIDAt
- */
- CCSprite* tileAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);
- /** returns the tile gid at a given tile coordinate.
- if it returns 0, it means that the tile is empty.
- This method requires the the tile map has not been previously released (eg. don't call layer->releaseMap())
- @js tileGIDAt
- */
- unsigned int tileGIDAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);
- /** returns the tile gid at a given tile coordinate. It also returns the tile flags.
- This method requires the the tile map has not been previously released (eg. don't call [layer releaseMap])
- @js tileGIDAt
- @lua NA
- */
- unsigned int tileGIDAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate, ccTMXTileFlags* flags);
- /** sets the tile gid (gid = tile global id) at a given tile coordinate.
- The Tile GID can be obtained by using the method "tileGIDAt" or by using the TMX editor -> Tileset Mgr +1.
- If a tile is already placed at that position, then it will be removed.
- */
- void setTileGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);
- /** sets the tile gid (gid = tile global id) at a given tile coordinate.
- The Tile GID can be obtained by using the method "tileGIDAt" or by using the TMX editor -> Tileset Mgr +1.
- If a tile is already placed at that position, then it will be removed.
- Use withFlags if the tile flags need to be changed as well
- */
- void setTileGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& tileCoordinate, ccTMXTileFlags flags);
- /** removes a tile at given tile coordinate */
- void removeTileAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);
- /** returns the position in points of a given tile coordinate
- * @js getPositionAt
- */
- CCPoint positionAt(const CCPoint& tileCoordinate);
- /** return the value for the specific property name
- * @js getProperty
- */
- CCString *propertyNamed(const char *propertyName);
- /** Creates the tiles */
- void setupTiles();
- /** CCTMXLayer doesn't support adding a CCSprite manually.
- * @warning addchild(z, tag); is not supported on CCTMXLayer. Instead of setTileGID.
- * @lua NA
- */
- virtual void addChild(CCNode * child, int zOrder, int tag);
- /** super method
- * @lua NA
- */
- void removeChild(CCNode* child, bool cleanup);
- inline const char* getLayerName(){ return m_sLayerName.c_str(); }
- inline void setLayerName(const char *layerName){ m_sLayerName = layerName; }
- private:
- CCPoint positionForIsoAt(const CCPoint& pos);
- CCPoint positionForOrthoAt(const CCPoint& pos);
- CCPoint positionForHexAt(const CCPoint& pos);
- CCPoint calculateLayerOffset(const CCPoint& offset);
- /* optimization methods */
- CCSprite* appendTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos);
- CCSprite* insertTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos);
- CCSprite* updateTileForGID(unsigned int gid, const CCPoint& pos);
- /* The layer recognizes some special properties, like cc_vertez */
- void parseInternalProperties();
- void setupTileSprite(CCSprite* sprite, CCPoint pos, unsigned int gid);
- CCSprite* reusedTileWithRect(CCRect rect);
- int vertexZForPos(const CCPoint& pos);
- // index
- unsigned int atlasIndexForExistantZ(unsigned int z);
- unsigned int atlasIndexForNewZ(int z);
- protected:
- // layer的名称
- std::string m_sLayerName;
- //TMX Layer 的透明度
- unsigned char m_cOpacity;
- unsigned int m_uMinGID;
- unsigned int m_uMaxGID;
- //vertexZ 启用后该参数才有效
- int m_nVertexZvalue;
- bool m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ;
- // 用于优化
- CCSprite *m_pReusedTile;
- ccCArray *m_pAtlasIndexArray;
- // 用于视网膜显示屏
- float m_fContentScaleFactor;
- };
- #endif //__CCTMX_LAYER_H__
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