Slices are created with the make function. It works by allocating a zeroed array and returning a slice that refers to that array:

a := make([]int, 5)  // len(a)=5

To specify a capacity, pass a third argument to make:

b := make([]int, 0, 5) // len(b)=0, cap(b)=5

b = b[:cap(b)] // len(b)=5, cap(b)=5
b = b[1:] // len(b)=4, cap(b)=4
package main 

import "fmt"

func main() {
a := make([]int, )
printSlice("a", a)
b := make([]int, , )
printSlice("b", b)
c := b[:]
printSlice("c", c)
d := c[:]
printSlice("d", d)
} func printSlice(s string, x []int) {
fmt.Printf("%s len=%d cap=%d %v\n",
s, len(x), cap(x), x)

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