innerHTML v.s. outerHTML

  • Element.innerHTML

  • Element.outerHTML
    •   Reference:
    •   Functionality
      •   Get serialized HTML fragment describling the element and its descendants.
      •   Set : Replace the element with the nodes generated by parsing the content string with parent of the element as the context node for the fragment parsing algorithm.
    •   NOTE
      •   If element has no parent element, set outerHTML will throw DOMException.

        •   e.g. [Chrome Dev Console]  document.documentElement.outerHTML='a';   Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set the 'outerHTML' property on 'Element': This element's parent is of type '#document', which is not an element node.
      •   Considering below code.
        // HTML:
        // <div id="container"><div id="d">This is a div.</div></div> container = document.getElementById("container");
        d = document.getElementById("d");
        console.log(container.firstChild.nodeName); // logs "DIV" d.outerHTML = "<p>This paragraph replaced the original div.</p>";
        console.log(container.firstChild.nodeName); // logs "P" // The #d div is no longer part of the document tree,
        // the new paragraph replaced it.

        While the element will be replaced in the document, the variable whose outerHTML property was set will still hold a reference to the original element!

innerText and outerText

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 4 45 (45) 6 9.6 (probably earlier) 3

textContent v.s innerText

  • Node.textContent

    • Get: different node types gets different result

      •   null: document, notation (use document.documentElement.textContent instead).
      •   text inside the node: CDATA, comment, text node, processing instruction. (nodeValue)
      •   concatenation of children nodes (excluding comment, processing instruction nodes) text: other types node
    • Set: Remove node children and replace it with a text node.
  • Difference from innerText
    •   many... : refer to MDN.
  • Why we still need innerText sometime?
    •   Browser compatibility!

      •   IE has better support for innerText than for textContent. Only IE9+ supports textContent, but IE6+ supports innerText.
    •   Common usage:
      •   set

        t[t.innerText ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'] = v.n
      •  get

        it = currHeaderChildNodes[i].innerText || currHeaderChildNodes[i].textContent;

textContent v.s. innerHTML

  • It's recommand to use textContent!

    • innerHTML parse text as HTML (except "script" element) -> poor performance!
    • innerHTML has security problem!

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