mongDB 的使用
首先是启动 mongdb的service ,不启用的话,使用mong shell 连接的现象是:

create both the notify database and the notify collection
field and value pairs. Documents are analogous to structures in
programming languages that associate keys with values (e.g.
dictionaries, hashes, maps, and associative arrays). Formally, MongoDB
documents are BSON documents. BSON is a binary representation
of JSON with additional type information. In the documents, the
value of a field can be any of the BSON data types, including other
documents, arrays, and arrays of documents.
collection is a group of related documents that have a set of shared
common indexes. Collections are analogous to a table in relational

skips, and sort orders.
specify a sort().
syntax as queries to select documents to update.
$match pipeline stage provides access to MongoDB
db.inventory.find( { type: typeValue } );
针对Collection inventory 的字段 type 建立索引。
db.inventory.ensureIndex( { type: 1 } )
建立索引的语句是:db.collection.ensureIndex(keys, options)
aggregation features. For example, MongoDB can return counts of the
number of documents that match a query, or return the number of
distinct values for a field, or process a collection of documents using
a versatile stage-based data processing pipeline or map-reduce
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