* @author Edwin Chen
*/ //定义节点
class Node {
char storeChar;
boolean isComplete; Node leftChild,centerChild,rightChild; //构造方法
public Node(char storeChar,boolean isComplete) {
this.storeChar = storeChar;
this.isComplete = isComplete;
} public class TernarySearchTree {
public Node root; //存储结果
HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); //递归创建tree
public Node insert(String word,Node node,Integer index) {
if(word == null || "".equals(word))
return null; //将word转成char数组
char[] charArray = word.toCharArray(); //递归终止条件,当没有改字符时,创建新节点
if(node == null) {
node = new Node(charArray[index],false);
} if(charArray[index] < node.storeChar) {
node.leftChild = this.insert(word, node.leftChild,index);
} else if(charArray[index] > node.storeChar) {
node.rightChild = this.insert(word, node.rightChild,index);
} else {
if(index + 1 == charArray.length) {
node.isComplete = true;
} else {
node.centerChild = this.insert(word, node.centerChild,++index);
} return node;
} //封装
public void insert(String word) {
root = this.insert(word,root,0);
} public String toString()
traverse(root, "");
return "\nTernary Search Tree : "+ result;

private void traverse(Node node, String str)
if (node != null)
traverse(node.leftChild, str); str = str + node.storeChar;
if (node.isComplete)
result.add(str); traverse(node.centerChild, str);
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); traverse(node.rightChild, str);
} public boolean search(String word)
return search(root, word.toCharArray(), 0);
} private boolean search(Node node, char[] word, int index)
if (node == null)
return false; if (word[index] < node.storeChar)
return search(node.leftChild, word, index);
else if (word[index] > node.storeChar)
return search(node.rightChild, word, index);
if (node.isComplete && index == word.length - 1)
return true;
else if (index == word.length - 1)
return false;
return search(node.centerChild, word, index + 1);
} public Node findNode(String prefix) {
return findNode(root,prefix.toCharArray(),0);
} public Node findNode(Node node, char[] word, int index) {
if (node == null)
return null; if (word[index] < node.storeChar)
return findNode(node.leftChild, word, index);
else if (word[index] > node.storeChar)
return findNode(node.rightChild, word, index);
if (index == word.length - 1)
return node.centerChild;
return findNode(node.centerChild, word, index + 1);
} //查找前缀相同的word
public HashSet<String> prefixSearch(String prefix,Node node) {
if(node != null) {
if(node.isComplete) {
result.add(prefix + node.storeChar);
} prefixSearch(prefix,node.leftChild);
prefixSearch(prefix + node.storeChar,node.centerChild);
} if(search(prefix))
result.add(prefix); return result;
} public HashSet<String> prefixSearch(String prefix) {
Node node = findNode(prefix);
return prefixSearch(prefix,node);
} public static void main(String[] args) {
TernarySearchTree t = new TernarySearchTree();
t.insert("bcd"); HashSet<String> a = t.prefixSearch("ab");
for(String s : a) {
} System.out.println(t);

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