[LeetCode#250] Count Univalue Subtrees
Given a binary tree, count the number of uni-value subtrees.
A Uni-value subtree means all nodes of the subtree have the same value.
For example:
Given binary tree,
/ \
1 5
/ \ \
5 5 5
return 4
This problem is super simple.
But, because my poor mastery of Java language, I have committed following simple mistakes. 1. use bit wise operator as and operator.
is_unival & = (root.val == root.left.val);
Line 26: error: illegal start of expression 2. Did not consider Java would automatically optimize the running of code.
For logic operator : and ("&&")
In fact:
C = A && B
If A is false, Java would not execute B. (Thus B must be a primitive value!!! Rather than any function call).
private boolean helper(TreeNode root, List<Integer> ret) {
if (root == null)
return true;
boolean is_unival = true;
if (root.left != null)
is_unival = is_unival && (root.val == root.left.val);
if (root.right != null)
is_unival = is_unival && (root.val == root.right.val);
is_unival = is_unival && helper(root.left, ret);
is_unival = is_unival && helper(root.right, ret);
if (is_unival)
ret.set(0, ret.get(0)+1);
return is_unival;
Error output:
4 If is_unival is false before reach
is_unival = is_unival && helper(root.left, ret);
is_unival = is_unival && helper(root.right, ret); Both "helper(root.left, ret)" and "helper(root.right, ret)", would not be executed.
So as to write code as
flag = (helper(root.left, ret) && helper(root.right, ret)).
The above code would cause the problem. The way to avoid such case is to write each statement seprately and use flag_n to hold the temp result. boolean flag1 = true, flag2 = true, flag3 = true, flag4 = true;
if (root.left != null)
flag1 = (root.val == root.left.val);
if (root.right != null)
flag2 = (root.val == root.right.val);
flag3 = helper(root.left, ret);
flag4 = helper(root.right, ret);
is_unival = flag1 && flag2 && flag3 && flag4; Note: For conjunction equation, the initial value for each element should be false rather than true.
public class Solution {
public int countUnivalSubtrees(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null)
return 0;
List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer> ();
helper(root, ret);
return ret.get(0);
} private boolean helper(TreeNode root, List<Integer> ret) {
if (root == null)
return true;
boolean is_unival = true;
boolean flag1 = true, flag2 = true, flag3 = true, flag4 = true;
if (root.left != null)
flag1 = (root.val == root.left.val);
if (root.right != null)
flag2 = (root.val == root.right.val);
flag3 = helper(root.left, ret);
flag4 = helper(root.right, ret);
is_unival = flag1 && flag2 && flag3 && flag4;
if (is_unival)
ret.set(0, ret.get(0)+1);
return is_unival;
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