filename: http_server.c
author: xxxx
function: Main file of http server
Impliment the response of Get and Post mehtods history:
created by xxxx date: 2014.01.03 *****************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h> #include "mime.h"
#include "http_common.h"
#include "http_webapp.h"
// __DEBUG__ is debug tag #define BACK_LOG 50
#define SOCKLEN sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) //
static int open_socket(struct sockaddr_in*);
static int accept_client(int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in* paddr);
static void wait_child(); static void write_response_body(int connfd, char* uri, int filesize);
void process_request(int connfd); int main()
// char type[MAX_FILE_TYPE_LEN]="";
// get_mime_type("test.html",type); int sockfd = ;
int connfd = ;
struct sockaddr_in sockaddress;
pid_t chld = ;
//struct sigaction sa; bzero(&sockaddress, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
signal(SIGCHLD, wait_child);
//open sock
if((sockfd=open_socket(&sockaddress)) == -)
perror("open socket failed");
return -;
} //accept client connection
connfd = accept_client(sockfd, &sockaddress); #if __DEBUG__
printf("client accept [%d]\n ", connfd);
#endif if((chld = fork()) > )
{ //root
}else if(chld == )
{ //childi
} } return ;
} /*--------------------------------------------------------------- functionname: open_socket
param: NA
return: return sockfd on success, -1 on fail
author: xxxx ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int open_socket(struct sockaddr_in* paddr)
int sockfd = ;
struct sockaddr_in sockaddress; bzero(&sockaddress, sizeof(sockaddress)); if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, )) == -)
return -; sockaddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockaddress.sin_port = htons(HTTP_PORT); inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(sockaddress.sin_addr)); if(bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)(&sockaddress), sizeof(sockaddress)) == -)
return -; if(listen(sockfd, BACK_LOG) == -)
return -; *paddr = sockaddress;
return sockfd;
} /*--------------------------------------------------------------- functionname: accept_client
param: NA
return: return connfd on success, -1 on fail
author: xxxx ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int accept_client(int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in* paddr)
socklen_t len = SOCKLEN;
int connfd = ; if(paddr != NULL)
connfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)(paddr), &len);
connfd = -;
return connfd;
} /*---------------------------------------------------------------- functionname: wait_child_exit
param: NA
return: NA
author: xxxx TO KILL CHILD PROCESS, avoid ZOOBIE -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void wait_child()
int status = ;
while(waitpid(-, &status, WNOHANG) > )
#if 0
printf("child process exit\n");
} /*----------------------------------------------------------------- functionname: process_request
param: NA
return: NA
author: xxxx http request process
create by xxxx, 2014.1.08, add simple abilities -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void process_request(int connfd)
char request[MAX_REQUEST_LEN];
STR_RESP response;
long filesize = ;
FILE* fstream = NULL; bzero(&strreq, sizeof(STR_REQUEST));
bzero(request, sizeof(request));
bzero(&response, sizeof(STR_RESP)); if(recv(connfd, request, sizeof(request), ) >)
{ if(parse_request(request, &strreq) ==)
#if __DEBUG__
printf("request:%s\n", request);
#endif get_mime_type(strreq.URI,&type); // file does not exist 404
if(file_exist(strreq.URI) == -)
status = HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
fstream = fopen(HTML_404, "rb");
status = HTTP_OK;
fstream = fopen(strreq.URI, "rb");
} filesize=get_file_size(fstream);
#if __DEBUG__
printf("request file size = [%ld]\n", filesize);
//response.data = (void*)malloc(filesize);
//bzero(response.data, filesize);
#if __DEBUG__
printf("response head = [%s]", response.head);
//if(get_response_body(type, response.data, strreq.URI, filesize) == -1)
// perror("fill response body failed"); #if __DEBUG__
//printf("response body = [%s]\n", (char*)(response.data));
send(connfd, response.head, strlen(response.head), );
write_response_body(connfd, strreq.URI, (int)filesize);
shutdown(connfd, SHUT_RD);
} static void write_response_body(int connfd, char* uri, int filesize)
int fd =;
void* bodybuf = NULL;
fd = open(uri, O_RDONLY, );
bodybuf = mmap(NULL, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, );
send(connfd, bodybuf, filesize, );
munmap(bodybuf, filesize);

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