









④形成覆盖,如"$\wedge $","人",还有比较难想的上边长下边短的情况

  • 其中形成"$\wedge$"型和"人"型 都是两条线段的交点比两条线段中较低的s点同高,


  • 上长下短的覆盖是两个s点都大于交点而不能存水的唯一情况


能收集到雨水的情况要注意 水面与较低的s点水平


using namespace std; // `计算几何模板`
const double eps = 1e-;
const double inf = 1e20;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const int maxp = ;
//`Compares a double to zero`
int sgn(double x){
if(fabs(x) < eps)return ;
if(x < )return -;
else return ;
//square of a double
inline double sqr(double x){return x*x;}
* Point
* Point() - Empty constructor
* Point(double _x,double _y) - constructor
* input() - double input
* output() - %.2f output
* operator == - compares x and y
* operator < - compares first by x, then by y
* operator - - return new Point after subtracting curresponging x and y
* operator ^ - cross product of 2d Points
* operator * - dot product
* len() - gives length from origin
* len2() - gives square of length from origin
* distance(Point p) - gives distance from p
* operator + Point b - returns new Point after adding curresponging x and y
* operator * double k - returns new Point after multiplieing x and y by k
* operator / double k - returns new Point after divideing x and y by k
* rad(Point a,Point b)- returns the angle of Point a and Point b from this Point
* trunc(double r) - return Point that if truncated the distance from center to r
* rotleft() - returns 90 degree ccw rotated Point
* rotright() - returns 90 degree cw rotated Point
* rotate(Point p,double angle) - returns Point after rotateing the Point centering at p by angle radian ccw
struct Point{
double x,y;
Point(double _x,double _y){
x = _x;
y = _y;
void input(){
void output(){
printf("%.2f %.2f\n",x,y);
bool operator == (Point b)const{
return sgn(x-b.x) == && sgn(y-b.y) == ;
bool operator < (Point b)const{
return sgn(x-b.x)== ?sgn(y-b.y)<:x<b.x;
Point operator -(const Point &b)const{
return Point(x-b.x,y-b.y);
double operator ^(const Point &b)const{
return x*b.y - y*b.x;
double operator *(const Point &b)const{
return x*b.x + y*b.y;
double len(){
return hypot(x,y);//库函数
double len2(){
return x*x + y*y;
double distance(Point p){
return hypot(x-p.x,y-p.y);
Point operator +(const Point &b)const{
return Point(x+b.x,y+b.y);
Point operator *(const double &k)const{
return Point(x*k,y*k);
Point operator /(const double &k)const{
return Point(x/k,y/k);
//`计算pa 和 pb 的夹角`
//`就是求这个点看a,b 所成的夹角`
//`测试 LightOJ1203`
double rad(Point a,Point b){
Point p = *this;
return fabs(atan2( fabs((a-p)^(b-p)),(a-p)*(b-p) ));
Point trunc(double r){
double l = len();
if(!sgn(l))return *this;
r /= l;
return Point(x*r,y*r);
Point rotleft(){
return Point(-y,x);
Point rotright(){
return Point(y,-x);
Point Rotate(Point p,double angle){
Point v = (*this) - p;
double c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
return Point(p.x + v.x*c - v.y*s,p.y + v.x*s + v.y*c);
* Stores two Points
* Line() - Empty constructor
* Line(Point _s,Point _e) - Line through _s and _e
* operator == - checks if two Points are same
* Line(Point p,double angle) - one end p , another end at angle degree
* Line(double a,double b,double c) - Line of equation ax + by + c = 0
* input() - inputs s and e
* adjust() - orders in such a way that s < e
* length() - distance of se
* angle() - return 0 <= angle < pi
* relation(Point p) - 3 if Point is on line
* 1 if Point on the left of line
* 2 if Point on the right of line
* Pointonseg(double p) - return true if Point on segment
* parallel(Line v) - return true if they are parallel
* segcrossseg(Line v) - returns 0 if does not intersect
* returns 1 if non-standard intersection
* returns 2 if intersects
* linecrossseg(Line v) - line and seg
* linecrossline(Line v) - 0 if parallel
* 1 if coincides
* 2 if intersects
* crossPoint(Line v) - returns intersection Point
* disPointtoline(Point p) - distance from Point p to the line
* disPointtoseg(Point p) - distance from p to the segment
* dissegtoseg(Line v) - distance of two segment
* lineprog(Point p) - returns projected Point p on se line
* symmetryPoint(Point p) - returns reflection Point of p over se
struct Line{
Point s,e;
Line(Point _s,Point _e){
s = _s;
e = _e;
bool operator ==(Line v){
return (s == v.s)&&(e == v.e);
Line(Point p,double angle){
s = p;
if(sgn(angle-pi/) == ){
e = (s + Point(,));
e = (s + Point(,tan(angle)));
Line(double a,double b,double c){
if(sgn(a) == ){
s = Point(,-c/b);
e = Point(,-c/b);
else if(sgn(b) == ){
s = Point(-c/a,);
e = Point(-c/a,);
s = Point(,-c/b);
e = Point(,(-c-a)/b);
void input(){
void adjustx(){
if(e < s)swap(s,e);
void adjusty(){
if(e.y>s.y) swap(s,e);
double length(){
return s.distance(e);
//`返回直线倾斜角 0<=angle<pi`
double angle(){
double k = atan2(e.y-s.y,e.x-s.x);
if(sgn(k) < )k += pi;
if(sgn(k-pi) == )k -= pi;
return k;
//`1 在左侧`
//`2 在右侧`
//`3 在直线上`
int relation(Point p){
int c = sgn((p-s)^(e-s));
if(c < )return ;
else if(c > )return ;
else return ;
// 点在线段上的判断
bool Pointonseg(Point p){
return sgn((p-s)^(e-s)) == && sgn((p-s)*(p-e)) <= ;
bool parallel(Line v){
return sgn((e-s)^(v.e-v.s)) == ;
//`2 规范相交`
//`1 非规范相交`
//`0 不相交`
int segcrossseg(Line v){
int d1 = sgn((e-s)^(v.s-s));
int d2 = sgn((e-s)^(v.e-s));
int d3 = sgn((v.e-v.s)^(s-v.s));
int d4 = sgn((v.e-v.s)^(e-v.s));
if( (d1^d2)==- && (d3^d4)==- )return ;
return (d1== && sgn((v.s-s)*(v.s-e))<=) ||
(d2== && sgn((v.e-s)*(v.e-e))<=) ||
(d3== && sgn((s-v.s)*(s-v.e))<=) ||
(d4== && sgn((e-v.s)*(e-v.e))<=);
//`-*this line -v seg`
//`2 规范相交`
//`1 非规范相交`
//`0 不相交`
int linecrossseg(Line v){
int d1 = sgn((e-s)^(v.s-s));
int d2 = sgn((e-s)^(v.e-s));
if((d1^d2)==-) return ;
return (d1==||d2==);
//`0 平行`
//`1 重合`
//`2 相交`
int linecrossline(Line v){
return v.relation(s)==;
return ;
Point crossPoint(Line v){
double a1 = (v.e-v.s)^(s-v.s);
double a2 = (v.e-v.s)^(e-v.s);
return Point((s.x*a2-e.x*a1)/(a2-a1),(s.y*a2-e.y*a1)/(a2-a1));
double disPointtoline(Point p){
return fabs((p-s)^(e-s))/length();
double disPointtoseg(Point p){
if(sgn((p-s)*(e-s))< || sgn((p-e)*(s-e))<)
return min(p.distance(s),p.distance(e));
return disPointtoline(p);
double dissegtoseg(Line v){
return min(min(disPointtoseg(v.s),disPointtoseg(v.e)),min(v.disPointtoseg(s),v.disPointtoseg(e)));
Point lineprog(Point p){
return s + ( ((e-s)*((e-s)*(p-s)))/((e-s).len2()) );
Point symmetryPoint(Point p){
Point q = lineprog(p);
return Point(*q.x-p.x,*q.y-p.y);
Point intersection(Line v)
double a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2;
return Point((c1*b2-c2*b1)/(a2*b1-a1*b2),(c1*a2-c2*a1)/(b2*a1-b1*a2));
int main()
int t;
double a,b,c,d;
Line l1,l2,l3,l4;
l1.adjusty(),l2.adjusty(); double s=-;
else if((!l1.angle())||(!l2.angle()))///k=0
else if(l1.segcrossseg(l2)==)///不相交
else if(l1.segcrossseg(l2))///相交
Point P=l1.intersection(l2);///获得交点
Point p1,p2;
int flag=,flag1=;
if(l1.s.y-P.y>eps) p1=l1.s,flag=;
if(l2.s.y-P.y>eps) p2=l2.s,flag1=;
double x=p1.x>?p1.x+1.00:p1.x-1.0;
double x=p2.x>?p2.x+1.00:p2.x-1.0;

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