There are few things more useful than a set of examples when starting to work with a new API. Here are some I’ve started collecting up for my work:

The first of three articles: More. Policy

Get a token. This user has the role ‘admin’ in a project, which means they can execute admin operations.
Save the following in a file named token-request.json

"auth": {
"identity": {
"methods": [
"password": {
"user": {
"domain": {
"name": "Default"
"name": "admin",
"password": "freeipa4all"
"scope": {
"project": {
"domain": {
"name": "Default"
"name": "demo"

And execute it with

export TOKEN=`curl -si -d @token-request.json -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:35357/v3/auth/tokens | awk '/X-Subject-Token/ {print $2}'`

To list domains

curl -si -H"X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:35357/v3/domains

Create a domain

curl  -H"X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"domain": {"description": "--optional--", "enabled": true, "name": "dom1"}}'  http://localhost:35357/v3/domains

To list users

curl -si -H"X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:35357/v3/users

To create a users, create file named create_user.json file like this:

"user": {
"default_project_id": "d0f445c3379b48f38a2ab0f17314bbf9",
"description": "Description",
"domain_id": "default",
"email": "",
"enabled": true,
"name": "ayoung",
"password": "changeme" }

Execute it like this

curl -si -H"X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:35357/v3/users -d @create_user.json

The response should look like this, with different auto-generated IDs.

{"user": {"description": "Description", "links": {"self": ""}, "enabled": true, "email": "", "default_project_id": "d0f445c3379b48f38a2ab0f17314bbf9", "id": "8221b007376a40ce8459c05f90077f16", "domain_id": "default", "name": "ayoung"}}

Note that in the above case the new user_id is 8221b007376a40ce8459c05f90077f16. Use that to get the user directly:

$ curl  -H"X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json"   http://localhost:35357/v3/users/8221b007376a40ce8459c05f90077f16
{"user": {"name": "ayoung", "links": {"self": ""}, "enabled": true, "email": "", "default_project_id": "d0f445c3379b48f38a2ab0f17314bbf9", "id": "8221b007376a40ce8459c05f90077f16", "domain_id": "default", "description": "Description"}}

To figure out how to do additional operations, see the V3 Identity API.


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