所以文章篇幅较长 请有足够的耐心(不是
其实不用学好splay再学LCT的…/kk (至少现在我平衡树靠fhq)
也许我菜吧…LCT靠背板子 pushup靠理解…没救了/kk
至于树链剖分 建议在LCT之前学(?
-Preferred Child:重儿子,重儿子与父亲节点在同一棵Splay中,一个节点最多只能有一个重儿子
-Preferred Edge:重边,连接父亲节点和重儿子的边
-Preferred Path :重链,由重边及重边连接的节点构成的链
-Auxiliary Tree(辅助树)
原树中的重链 -> 辅助树中两个节点位于同一棵Splay中
原树中的轻链 -> 辅助树中子节点所在Splay的根节点的father指向父节点
-Access 将一个点与原先的重儿子切断,并使这个原树上点到根路径上的边全都变为重边
所以 这个节点到根的路径上的所有节点形成了一棵Splay
实现:不断把x splay到当前Atree的根,然后它的右子树就是重儿子了,修改;用y辅助 注意:Access后x不一定为这颗Splay的根,因为中途x变fa了 维护了节点信息别忘更新
MakeRoot 将x设为原树的根实现:Access后splay到根,然后全在x的左子树上(权值是深度),区间翻转即可
FindRoot 找x所在原树根,判连通性 实现:MakeRoot后不断往左找(不需要pushDown?加上也可以啊。不加也对因为只是来判连通,判断是不是在一棵原树上,都不pushDown找到的还是同一个点吧)
Link 实现:MakeRoot(x)然后t[x].fa=y
Cut 实现:MakeRoot(x)然后Access(y) splay(y) ,x就在y的左儿子了,t[y].ch[0]=t[x].fa=0;
====================================================================== 以上是 candy99 巨佬的总结内容(?
基于性质更加优秀的实链剖分,LCT(Link-Cut Tree)应运而生。
- 查询、修改链上的信息(最值,总和等)
- 随意指定原树的根(即换根)
- 动态连边、删边
- 合并两棵树、分离一棵树(跟上面不是一毛一样吗)
- 动态维护连通性(代替并查集)
inline void access(int x) { for(int tp = 0 ; x ; x = fa[tp = x]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushup(x) ; }
Then what can we do?
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) { pushdown(x) ; x = ls(x) ; splay(x) ; } return x ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
Link 和 Cut 就是字面意思 连边建边 具体写法
inline void cut(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; if(findroot(y) == x && fa[y] == x && ! ls(y)) fa[y] = ls(x) = 0 , pushup(x) ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; if(findroot(y) != x) fa[x] = y ; }
using namespace std ;
const int N = 1e5 + 10 ;
int n , m , val[N] ;
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
class LCT {
int ch[N][2] , fa[N] , sum[N] , rev[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { sum[x] = sum[ls(x)] ^ sum[rs(x)] ^ val[x] ; }
inline void pushr(int x) { rev[x] ^= 1 ; swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; }
inline void pushdown(int x) { if(rev[x]) { if(ls(x)) pushr(ls(x)) ; if(rs(x)) pushr(rs(x)) ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; } }
inline void rotate(int x) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] , k = getr(x) , w = ch[x][k ^ 1] ; if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][getr(y)] = x ;
fa[fa[fa[ch[ch[x][k ^ 1] = y][k] = w] = y] = x] = z ; pushup(y) ; pushup(x) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushdown(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ; while(! isroot(x)) { int y = fa[x] ; if(! isroot(y)) rotate(getr(x) ^ getr(y) ? x : y) ; rotate(x) ; }
inline void access(int x) { for(int tp = 0 ; x ; x = fa[tp = x]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushup(x) ; }
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) { pushdown(x) ; x = ls(x) ; splay(x) ; } return x ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; if(findroot(y) == x && fa[y] == x && ! ls(y)) fa[y] = ls(x) = 0 , pushup(x) ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; if(findroot(y) != x) fa[x] = y ; }
inline void change(int x , int y) { splay(x) ; val[x] = y ; }
inline int query(int x , int y) { return split(x , y) , sum[y] ; }
} lct ;
signed main() {
n = read() ; m = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) cin >> val[i] ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
int opt = read() ;
if(opt == 0) { int x = read() , y = read() ; printf("%d\n" , lct.query(x , y)) ; }
if(opt == 1) { int x = read() , y = read() ; , y) ; }
if(opt == 2) { int x = read() , y = read() ; lct.cut(x , y) ; }
if(opt == 3) { int x = read() , y = read() ; lct.change(x , y) ; }
return 0 ;
[国家集训队]Tree II
带修的LCT 就直接像线段树一样放标记然后搞一下更新就可以了
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using uint = unsigned int ;
using namespace std ;
const int N = 1e5 + 5 ;
const int Mod = 51061 ;
uint n , q , fa[N] , ch[N][2] , val[N] , sum[N] , sz[N] , mul[N] , add[N] ;
bool rev[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline void Add(uint & x , uint y) { x += y ; x %= Mod ; }
inline void Mul(uint & x , uint y) { x *= y ; x %= Mod ; }
inline bool isroot(uint x) { return (ls(fa[x]) != x) && (rs(fa[x]) != x) ; }
inline void pushup(uint x) { sum[x] = (sum[ls(x)] + sum[rs(x)] + val[x]) ; sum[x] %= Mod ; sz[x] = (sz[ls(x)] + sz[rs(x)] + 1) ; }
inline void pushr(uint x) { swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; }
inline void pushm(uint x , uint v) { Mul(sum[x] , v) ; Mul(val[x] , v) ; Mul(mul[x] , v) ; Mul(add[x] , v) ; }
inline void pusha(uint x , uint v) { Add(sum[x] , v * sz[x]) ; Add(val[x] , v) ; Add(add[x] , v) ; }
inline void pushdown(uint x) {
if(mul[x] != 1) { pushm(ls(x) , mul[x]) ; pushm(rs(x) , mul[x]) ; mul[x] = 1 ; }
if(add[x]) { pusha(ls(x) , add[x]) ; pusha(rs(x) , add[x]) ; add[x] = 0 ; }
if(rev[x]) { if(ls(x)) pushr(ls(x)) ; if(rs(x)) pushr(rs(x)) ; rev[x] = 0 ; }
inline bool getr(uint x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline void rotate(uint x) { uint y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] , k = getr(x) , w = ch[x][k ^ 1] ;
if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][getr(y)] = x ;
ch[x][k ^ 1] = y ; ch[y][k] = w ;
if(w) fa[w] = y ; fa[y] = x ; fa[x] = z ;
pushup(y) ;
inline void pushall(uint x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushdown(x) ; }
inline void splay(uint x) { pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) { uint y = fa[x] ;
if(! isroot(y)) { rotate(getr(y) ^ getr(x) ? x : y) ; }
rotate(x) ;
} pushup(x) ;
inline void access(uint x) { for(uint tp = 0 ; x ; tp = x , x = fa[tp]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushup(x) ; }
inline void makeroot(uint x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void split(uint x , uint y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
inline void link(uint x , uint y) { makeroot(x) ; fa[x] = y ; }
inline void cut(uint x , uint y) { split(x , y) ; fa[x] = ls(y) = 0 ; }
signed main() {
ios :: sync_with_stdio(false) ;
cin.tie(nullptr) ;
cout.tie(nullptr) ;
cin >> n >> q ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) val[i] = mul[i] = 1 ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n - 1 ; i ++) { uint u , v ; cin >> u >> v ; link(u , v) ; }
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= q ; i ++) {
char c ; cin >> c ;
if(c == '+') { uint u , v , w ; cin >> u >> v >> w ; split(u , v) ; pusha(v , w) ; }
if(c == '-') { uint u , v , u2 , v2 ; cin >> u >> v >> u2 >> v2 ; cut(u , v) ; link(u2 , v2) ; }
if(c == '*') { uint u , v , w ; cin >> u >> v >> w ; split(u , v) ; pushm(v , w) ; }
if(c == '/') { uint u , v ; cin >> u >> v ; split(u , v) ; cout << sum[v] << '\n' ; }
return 0 ;
using namespace std ;
#define csp rp++
inline int read() { register int x = 0 , f = 1 ; register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
int n ;
const int N = 1e5 + 10 ;
int val[N] ;
int ch[N][2] ; int fa[N] ; int sum[N] ; bool rev[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { sum[x] = sum[ls(x)] + sum[rs(x)] + val[x] ; }
inline void pushr(int x) {
if(! rev[x]) return ;
swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ;
rev[ls(x)] ^= 1 ; rev[rs(x)] ^= 1 ; rev[x] = 0 ;
inline void rotate(int x) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
int k = getr(x) , w = ch[x][k ^ 1] ;
ch[y][k] = w ; fa[w] = y ;
if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][getr(y)] = x ;
fa[x] = z ; ch[x][k ^ 1] = y ; fa[y] = x ;
pushup(x) ; pushup(y) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
if(! isroot(y)) rotate((ls(fa[x]) == x) ^ (ls(fa[y]) == y) ? x : y) ;
rotate(x) ;
} pushup(x) ;
inline void access(int x) { for( int tp = 0 ; x ; x = fa[tp = x]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushr(x) ; }
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) pushr(x) , x = ls(x) ; return x ; }
inline bool chk(int x , int y) { return findroot(x) == findroot(y) ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; fa[x] = y ; }
signed main() {
n = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) val[i] = read() ;
for(register int t = read() ; t -- ; ) {
char op[20] ; scanf("%s" , op + 1) ;
int x = read() , y = read() ;
if(op[1] == 'p') splay(x) , val[x] = y ;
if(op[1] == 'b') { if(chk(x , y)) puts("no") ;
else puts("yes") , link(x , y) ;
if(op[1] == 'e') {
if(! chk(x , y)) puts("impossible") ;
else split(x , y) , printf("%d\n" , sum[y]) ;
return 0 ;
using namespace std ;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cabs(T & x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : (x = - x) , 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod) {
int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
int n , m ;
const static int N = 3e5 + 10 ;
int val[N] ;
class LCT {
public :
int ch[N][2] ; int fa[N] , sum[N] , rev[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline void push_up(int x) { sum[x] = sum[ls(x)] ^ sum[rs(x)] ^ val[x] ; }
inline void rever(int x) { swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; }
inline void push_down(int x) { if(rev[x]) {if(ls(x)) rever(ls(x)) ; if(rs(x)) rever(rs(x)) ; rev[x] = 0 ; } }
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void rotate(int x) {
int fx = fa[x] , fy = fa[fx] , rs = (x == rs(fa[x])) , mus = ch[x][! rs] ;
if(! isroot(fx)) ch[fy][fx == rs(fy)] = x ;
ch[x][! rs] = fx ; ch[fx][rs] = mus ;
if(mus) fa[mus] = fx ; fa[x] = fy , fa[fx] = x ;
push_up(fx) , push_up(x) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; push_down(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int fx = fa[x] , fy = fa[fx] ;
if(! isroot(fx)) rotate(((ls(fx) == x) ^ (ls(fy) == fx)) ? x : fx) ;
rotate(x) ;
inline void access(int x) { for(int tp = 0 ; x ; tp = x , x = fa[tp]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , push_up(x) ;}
inline void make_root(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; rever(x) ; }
inline int find_root(int x){ access(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) push_down(x) , x = ls(x) ; splay(x) ; return x ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { make_root(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) { make_root(x) ; if(find_root(y) == x && fa[y] == x && ! ls(y)) fa[y] = rs(x) = 0 , push_up(x) ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { make_root(x) ; if(find_root(y) != x) fa[x] = y ; }
} lct ;
inline int getopt() {
register char c = getchar() ;
string s = "" ;
while(isspace(c)) c = getchar() ;
while(! isspace(c)) s += c , c = getchar() ;
if(s == "Connect") return 1 ;
if(s == "Destroy") return 2 ;
if(s == "Query") return 3 ;
signed main() {
n = read() , m = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
int opt = getopt() ;
int u = read() , v = read() ;
if(opt == 1) , v) ;
if(opt == 2) lct.cut(u , v) ;
if(opt == 3) puts(lct.find_root(u) == lct.find_root(v) ? "Yes" : "No") ;
return 0 ;
using namespace std ;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cabs(T & x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : (x = - x) , 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod) {
int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
int n , m , c , k ;
const int N = 1e4 + 10 ;
int val[N] ;
class LCT {
public :
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
int fa[N] , ch[N][2] , rev[N] , cnt[N] , mx[N] ; int s[N] ; int top ;
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void pushup(int x){mx[x]=val[x];
if(ls(x)) cmax(mx[x],mx[ls(x)]);
if(rs(x)) cmax(mx[x],mx[rs(x)]);
inline void pushdown(int x){
inline void rotate(int x){
int y=fa[x],z=fa[y],d=rs(y)==x;
if(!isroot(y)) ch[z][rs(z)==y]=x;
// inline void pushall(int x){if(!isroot(x))pushall(fa[x]);pushdown(x);}
inline void splay(int x){
// pushall(x);
for(int i=x;!isroot(i);i=fa[i])s[++top]=fa[i];
for(int y=fa[x],z=fa[y];!isroot(x);y=fa[x],z=fa[y]){
return ;
inline void access(int x){
for(register int y = 0; x ; x = fa[y=x])
return ;
inline void makeroot(int x){ access(x);splay(x);rev[x]^=1;}
inline void split(int x,int y){makeroot(x);access(y);splay(y);}
inline void link(int x,int y){++ cnt[x] , ++ cnt[y] , makeroot(x),fa[x]=y;splay(x);}
inline void cut(int x,int y){--cnt[x],--cnt[y],split(x,y),fa[x]=ls(y)=0,pushup(y);}
inline int findroot(int x){access(x),splay(x),pushdown(x);while(ls(x))pushdown(x=ls(x));return x;}
inline int query(int x,int y){split(x,y);return mx[y];}
} ;
LCT lct[15] ;
struct node{
int u,v;
inline bool operator <(const node & x) const {
return u < x.u || (u == x.u && v < x.v) ;
} ; map < node , int > mp ;
signed main() {
n = read() , m = read() , c = read() ,k = read();
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) val[i] = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
int u = read() , v = read() , w = read() ;
node edge1 = {u,v};
node edge2 = {v,u};
while(k -- ) {
int opt = read() ;
if(opt == 0) {
int x = read() , w = read() ;
val[x] = w ;
for(register int i = 0 ; i < c ; i ++)
lct[i].splay(x) ;
if(opt == 1) {
int u = read(),v=read(),w = read() ;
node edge1 = {u , v} ;
node edge2 = {v , u} ;
if(! mp.count(edge1)) { puts("No such edge.") ; continue ;}
int x = mp[edge1] ;
if(x == w) { puts("Success.") ; continue ;}
if(lct[w].cnt[u]>=2 || lct[w].cnt[v]>=2) {
puts("Error 1.") ;
continue ;
if(lct[w].findroot(u) == lct[w].findroot(v)){
puts("Error 2.") ;
continue ;
lct[x].cut(u , v) ;
lct[w].link(u , v);
if(opt == 2){
int w = read() , u = read() , v = read() ;
if(lct[w].findroot(u) != lct[w].findroot(v)) {
puts("-1") ;
continue ;
printf("%lld\n" , lct[w].query(u,v)) ;
return 0 ;
这题有点烦 不太想讲…
// Isaunoya
using namespace std ;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod){ int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
const int N = 1e6 + 10 ;
int ch[N][2] ;
int tot = 0 ;
int fa[N] , sub[N] , rt = 0 , cnt = 0 ;
bool rev[N] ; int size[N] , f[N] ;
int c[N][2] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { size[x] = size[ls(x)] + size[rs(x)] + 1 ; }
inline void pushr(int x) { if(! rev[x]) return ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; rev[ls(x)] ^= 1 ; rev[rs(x)] ^= 1 ; swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; }
inline void rotate(int x) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
int qwq = rs(y) == x ? 1 : 0 ;
if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][rs(z) == y] = x ;
fa[x] = z ; fa[y] = x ; fa[ch[x][qwq ^ 1]] = y ; ch[y][qwq] = ch[x][qwq ^ 1] ;
ch[x][qwq ^ 1] = y ; pushup(y) ; pushup(x) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
if(! isroot(y)) rotate((ls(y) == x) ^ (ls(z) == y) ? x : y) ;
rotate(x) ;
inline void access(int x) {
for( int tp = 0 ; x ; tp = x , x = fa[x]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushup(x) ;
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; }
inline void link(int x, int y) { if(! x || ! y) return ; makeroot(x) ; fa[x] = y ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) { if(! x || ! y) return ; makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; ls(y) = fa[x] = 0 ; pushup(x) ; pushup(y) ; }
inline int query(int x) { makeroot(rt) ; access(x) ; splay(x) ; return size[x] ; }
set < int > s ;
typedef set <int> :: iterator IT ;
struct node { int flg , kk ; } a[N] ;
signed main() {
int t = read() ; s.insert(INT_MAX) ; s.insert(INT_MIN) ;
for( int i = 1 ; i <= t ; i ++ ) {
a[i].flg = read() ; if(a[i].flg == 1) {
a[i].kk = read() ;
sub[++ tot] = a[i].kk ;
sort(sub + 1 , sub + tot + 1) ;
tot = unique(sub + 1 , sub + tot + 1) - sub - 1 ;
for( int i = 1 ; i <= t ; i ++) {
if(a[i].flg == 1) {
a[i].kk = lower_bound(sub + 1 , sub + tot + 1 , a[i].kk) - sub ;
if(! cnt) { ++ cnt ; rt = a[i].kk ; s.insert(rt) ; printf("1\n") ; continue ; }
else {
IT it = s.upper_bound(a[i].kk) ;
int nxt = * it , dep = 0 , x ; -- it ;
int pre = * it ;
if(pre != INT_MIN) { int now = query(pre) ; if(now > dep) dep = now , x = pre ; }
if(nxt != INT_MAX) { int now = query(nxt) ; if(now > dep) dep = now , x = nxt ; }
printf("%lld\n" , dep + 1) ; c[x][a[i].kk > x] = a[i].kk ; f[a[i].kk] = x ;
++ cnt ; link(x , a[i].kk) ; s.insert(a[i].kk) ;
if(a[i].flg == 2) {
if(cnt == 1) { puts("1") ; continue ; }
IT it = s.begin() ; ++ it ; int x = * it , y = c[x][1] , z = f[x] , k = query(x) ;
if(rt != x) { cut(x , z) ; cut(x , y) ; link(x , rt) , link(z , y) ; f[x] = 0 ; c[x][1] = rt ; f[rt] = x ; rt = x ; c[z][0] = y ; f[y] = z ; }
printf("%lld\n", k) ;
if(a[i].flg == 3) {
if(cnt == 1) { puts("1") ; continue ; }
IT it = s.end() ; -- it , -- it ; int x = * it , y = c[x][0] , z = f[x] , k = query(x) ;
if(rt != x) { cut(x , z) ; cut(x , y) ; link(x , rt) ; link(z , y) ; f[x] = 0 ; c[x][0] = rt ; f[rt] = x ; rt = x ; c[z][1] = y ; f[y] = z ; }
printf("%lld\n" , k) ;
if(a[i].flg == 4) {
if(cnt == 1) { -- cnt ; puts("1") ; s.erase(s.find(rt)) ; rt = 0 ;continue ; }
IT it = s.begin() ; ++ it ; int x = * it , y = c[x][1] , z = f[x] , k = query(x) ;
cut(x , z) ; cut(x , y) ; link(y , z) ; cnt -- ; s.erase(s.find(x)) ;
if(x == rt) { rt = y ; }
c[x][0] = c[x][1] = f[x] = 0 ; c[z][0] = y ; f[y] = z ;
printf("%lld\n" , k) ;
if(a[i].flg == 5) {
if(cnt == 1) { cnt -- ; puts("1") ; s.erase(s.find(rt)) ; rt = 0 ; continue ; }
IT it = s.end() ; -- it ; -- it ; int x = * it , y = c[x][0] , z = f[x] , k = query(x) ;
cut(x , z) ; cut(x , y) ; link(y , z) ; cnt -- ; s.erase(s.find(x)) ;
printf("%lld\n" , k) ;
if(x == rt) { rt = y ; }
c[x][0] = c[x][1] = f[x] = 0 ; c[z][1] = y ; f[y] = z ;
return 0 ;
typedef long long LL ;
#define int long long
using namespace std ;
template < typename T > inline void read(T & x) { x = 0 ; int f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
while(! isdigit(c)) {
if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
c = getchar() ;
while(isdigit(c)) { x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ; c = getchar() ; }
x *= f ; return ;
const int N = 4e5 + 10 ;
struct Edge { int u , v ; } e[N] ;
template < > inline void read < Edge > (Edge & x) {
read(x.u) ; read(x.v) ; return void() ;
template < typename T > inline void print(T x) {
if(x == 0) return putchar('0') , void() ;
static int st[105] ;
if(x < 0) putchar('-') , x = -x ;
int tp = 0 ;
while(x) st[++ tp] = x % 10 , x /= 10 ;
while(tp) putchar(st[tp --] + '0') ;
return ;
template < typename T > inline void sort(vector < T > & v) { sort(v.begin() , v.end()) ; }
template < typename T > inline void unique(vector < T > & v) { v.erase(unique(v.begin() , v.end()) , v.end()) ; }
inline int getdigit() {
register char c = getchar() ;
while(! isdigit(c)) c = getchar() ;
return c - '0' ;
inline char getc() {
register char c = getchar() ;
while(! (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) c = getchar() ;
return c ;
inline int gcd(int x , int y) { return y == 0 ? x : gcd(y , x % y) ; }
const static LL Mod = LLONG_MAX ;
template < typename T , typename TT > inline void Add(T & x , TT y , T Mod = Mod) { x += y ; if(x >= Mod) x -= Mod ; }
template < typename T , typename TT > inline void Del(T & x , TT y , T Mod = Mod) { x -= y ; if(x < 0) x += Mod ; }
int n , m ;
int del[N] , del2[N] ;
template < typename T >
class LCT {
public :
int ch[N][2] , fa[N] ;
int rev[N] , sum[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { return void() ; }
inline void rever(int x) { rev[x] ^= 1 ; swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; }
inline void pushr(int x) {
if(! rev[x]) return ;
rev[x] ^= 1 ;
if(ls(x)) rever(ls(x)) ;
if(rs(x)) rever(rs(x)) ;
return void() ;
inline void rotate(int x) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ; int k = getr(x) ;
if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][getr(y)] = x ;
fa[x] = z ;
ch[y][k] = ch[x][k ^ 1] ;
fa[ch[y][k]] = y ;
ch[x][k ^ 1] = y ;
fa[y] = x ;
// pushup(y) ; pushup(x) ;
return void() ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; return pushr(x) , void() ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
if(! isroot(y)) rotate((getr(x) ^ getr(y)) ? x : y) ;
rotate(x) ;
return void() ;
inline void acess(int x) { for( int tp = 0 ; x ; x = fa[tp = x]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp ; return void() ; }
inline void makeroot(int x) { acess(x) ; splay(x) ; rever(x) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) { acess(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) pushr(x) , x = ls(x) ; splay(x) ; return x ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; fa[x] = y ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) {makeroot(x) ; acess(y) ; splay(y) ; if((ls(y) != x) && (! rs(ls(y)))) return void() ; fa[x] = ls(y) = 0 ; }
// inline void query(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; acess(y) ; splay(y) ; return void() ; }
} ;
LCT < int > t ;
inline void solve(int l , int r , int _h , int _t) {
if(l > r) return void() ;
del[l ++] += _h ;
del[++ r] -= _h ;
del2[l] += _t ;
del2[r] -= _t ;
return void() ;
signed main() {
// freopen("" , "r" , stdin) ;
read(m) ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) read(e[i]) ;
int r = 1 ;
for(register int l = 1 ; l <= m ; l ++) {
while(r <= m) {
int u = e[r].u , v = e[r].v ;
if(t.findroot(u) == t.findroot(v)) { solve(l , r , m - r + 1 , 0) ; solve(r + 1 , m , m - r , - 1) ; break ; }
else { , v) ; } ++ r ;
t.cut(e[l].u , e[l].v) ;
int x = 0 , y = 0 ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
x += del[i] , y += del2[i] , x += y ;
print(x) , putchar(32) ;
return 0 ;
LCT 可以维护动态MST(动态最小生成树)
指最小生成树 思路大概是
如果不连通直接加 link一下的…
如果连通split提上去 然后判断大小关系来删边断边 如果满足最优性 则不变…
using namespace std ;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cabs(T & x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : (x = - x) , 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod) {
int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
int n , m ;
const int N = 1e5 + 10 ;
struct node {
int u , v , w , w2 ;
inline bool operator <(const node & x ) const {
return w < x.w ;
} e[N] ;
int l[N] , r[N] ;
int f[N] ;
int idx ;
inline int find(int x) { return x == f[x] ? x : f[x] = find(f[x]) ;}
inline void merge(int x , int y) { return f[find(x)] = find(y) , void() ;}
class LCT {
public :
int fa[N] , ch[N][2] , tag[N] ;
int w[N] , id[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void pushr(int x) { tag[x] ^= 1 ; swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { id[x] = x ; if(w[id[ls(x)]] > w[id[x]]) id[x] = id[ls(x)] ; if(w[id[rs(x)]] > w[id[x]]) id[x] = id[rs(x)] ; }
inline void pushdown(int x) { if(tag[x]) { tag[x] = 0 ; if(ls(x)) pushr(ls(x)) ; if(rs(x)) pushr(rs(x)) ; }}
inline void rotate(int x) { int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] , k = getr(x) ;
if(!isroot(y)) ch[z][getr(y)] = x ;
fa[x] = z ; fa[y] = x ; fa[ch[x][k ^ 1]] = y ; ch[y][k] = ch[x][k ^ 1] ; ch[x][k ^ 1] = y ;
pushup(y) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushdown(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] ;
if(! isroot(y)) rotate(getr(x) ^ getr(y) ? x : y) ;
rotate(x) ;
} pushup(x) ;
inline void access(int x) { for( int tp = 0 ; x ; rs(x) = tp , tp = x , x = fa[tp]) splay(x) ; }
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) x = ls(x) ; splay(x) ; return x ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; if(findroot(y) != x) fa[x] = y ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; if(ls(y) == x) ls(y) = fa[x] = 0 , pushup(y) ;}
inline int query(int x , int y) {
if(findroot(x) != findroot(y)) return INT_MAX ;
split(x , y) ;
return w[id[y]] ;
inline void Merge(int x , int y , int k) {
if(findroot(x) ^ findroot(y)) { w[++ idx] = k ; link(l[idx] = x , idx) ; link(r[idx] = y , idx) ; return ; }
split(x , y) ;
int s = id[y] ;
if(w[s] <= k) return ;
cut(s , l[s] ) ;
cut(s , r[s] ) ;
w[s] = k ;
link(l[s] = x , s) ;
link(r[s] = y , s) ;
} lct ;
signed main() {
// freopen("" , "r" , stdin) ;
// freopen("testdata2.out" , "w" , stdout) ;
n = read() , m = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
int u = read() , v = read() , w = read() , w2 = read() ;
e[i] = {u , v , w , w2} ;
sort(e + 1 , e + m + 1) ;
int ans = INT_MAX ;
idx = n ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) f[i] = i ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
lct.Merge(e[i].u , e[i].v , e[i].w2) ;
cmin(ans , e[i].w + lct.query(1 , n)) ;
if(ans == INT_MAX) ans = -1 ;
printf("%lld\n" , ans) ;
return 0 ;
然后再一步步动态加边 最后倒着输出(
using namespace std ;
// #define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cabs(T & x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : (x = - x) , 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod) {
int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
int n , m , q ;
int id ;
const int N = 3e5 + 5 ;
int l[N] , r[N] ;
struct node {
int u , v , w ;
inline bool operator < (const node& x ) const{ return w < x.w ; }
} e[1000005] ;
int f[100005] ;
map < int , int > p[100005] ;
struct que {
int op , x , y , w ;
} qs[100005] ;
class LCT {
public :
int fa[N] , ch[N][2] , tag[N] ;
pair < int , int > val[N] , mn[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void pushr(int x) { tag[x] ^= 1 ; swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { mn[x] = max(val[x] , max(mn[ls(x)] , mn[rs(x)])) ; }
inline void pushdown(int x) { if(tag[x]) { tag[x] = 0 ; if(ls(x)) pushr(ls(x)) ; if(rs(x)) pushr(rs(x)) ; }}
inline void rotate(int x) { int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] , k = getr(x) ;
if(!isroot(y)) ch[z][getr(y)] = x ;
fa[x] = z ; fa[y] = x ; fa[ch[x][k ^ 1]] = y ; ch[y][k] = ch[x][k ^ 1] ; ch[x][k ^ 1] = y ;
pushup(y) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushdown(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] ;
if(! isroot(y)) rotate(getr(x) ^ getr(y) ? x : y) ;
rotate(x) ;
} pushup(x) ;
inline void access(int x) { for( int tp = 0 ; x ; rs(x) = tp , tp = x , x = fa[tp]) splay(x) ; }
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; while(ls(x)) x = ls(x) ; splay(x) ; return x ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; if(findroot(y) != x) fa[x] = y ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ; if(ls(y) == x) ls(y) = fa[x] = 0 , pushup(y) ;}
inline pair < int , int > query(int x , int y) { split(x , y) ; return mn[y] ; }
} lct ;
inline int find(int x) { return x == f[x] ? x : f[x] = find(f[x]) ;}
signed main() {
n = read() ; m = read() ; q = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
int u = read() , v = read() , w = read() ;
if(u > v) swap(u , v) ;
e[i] = {u , v , w} ;
p[e[i].u][e[i].v] = e[i].w ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= q ; i ++) {
qs[i].op = read() ;
qs[i].x = read() ;
qs[i].y = read() ;
if(qs[i].x > qs[i].y) swap(qs[i].x , qs[i].y) ;
if(qs[i].op == 2) {
qs[i].w = p[qs[i].x][qs[i].y] ;
p[qs[i].x].erase(qs[i].y) ;
sort(e + 1 , e + m + 1) ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) f[i] = i ;
id = n ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
int u = e[i].u , v = e[i].v ;
if(! p[u].count(v)) continue ;
u = find(u) , v = find(v) ;
if(u ^ v) {
f[v] = u ;
++ id ;
lct.val[id] =[id] = make_pair(e[i].w , id) ; , l[id] = e[i].u) ; , r[id] = e[i].v) ;
static int st[100005] , top = 0 ;
for(register int i = q ; i ; -- i) {
if(qs[i].op == 1) st[++ top] = (qs[i].x ^ qs[i].y) ? lct.query(qs[i].x , qs[i].y).first : 0 ;
else {
int x = qs[i].x , y = qs[i].y ;
pair < int , int > d = lct.query(x , y) ;
if( <= qs[i].w) continue ;
int t = ;
lct.cut(l[t] , t) ;
lct.cut(r[t] , t) ;
++ id ;
lct.val[id] =[id] = make_pair(qs[i].w , id) ;[id] = x , id) ;[id] = y , id) ;
while(top) printf("%d\n" , st[top --]) ;
return 0 ;
大概题意就是合并两个连通块 查询连通块内点到其他点的最大距离 对于这道题更简单 因为每次只有一个点和一个连通块合并 所以直接求两次距离即可 每个点的权值设为1 split后上面那个点的sum-1即为距离
using namespace std ;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cabs(T & x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : (x = - x) , 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod) {
int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
int q , m = 0 ;
const int N = 1000000 + 5 ;
int val[N] ;
class LCT {
public :
int ch[N][2] ; int fa[N] ; int size[N] ; int rev[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline void pushup(int rt) { size[rt] = size[ls(rt)] + size[rs(rt)] + 1 ; }
inline void pushr(int rt) { rev[rt] ^= 1 ;swap(ls(rt) , rs(rt)) ; }
inline void pushdown(int rt) {
if(! rev[rt]) return ;
rev[rt] ^= 1 ;
if(ls(rt)) pushr(ls(rt)) ;
if(rs(rt)) pushr(rs(rt)) ;
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void rotate(int x) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] , rs = getr(x) , grs = getr(y) ;
int son = ch[x][rs ^ 1] ;
if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][grs] = x ;
ch[y][rs] = son ; ch[x][rs ^ 1] = y ;
fa[x] = z ; fa[y] = x ;
if(son) fa[son] = y ; pushup(y) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushdown(x) ; }
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
if(! isroot(fa[x])) rotate(getr(fa[x]) ^ getr(x) ? x : fa[x]) ;
rotate(x) ;
} pushup(x) ;
inline void access(int x) { for(register int tp = 0 ; x ; tp = x , x = fa[tp]) splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushup(x) ; }
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; splay(x) ; pushr(x) ; }
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(y) ; access(x) ; splay(x) ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { if(! x || ! y || x == y) return ; split(x , y) ; fa[y] = x ; }
inline void cut(int x , int y) { if(! x || ! y || x == y) return ; split(x , y) ; if(size[x] <= 2) ls(x) = fa[y] = 0 ;}
} lct ;
struct node{
int u , v , w ;
} e[N] ;
int f[N] ;
inline int find(int x) { return x == f[x] ? x : f[x] = find(f[x]) ;}
inline int query(int x , int y) { lct.split(x , y) ; return lct.size[x] - 1 ;}
inline void Merge(int x , int y) { , y) ; f[x] = y = find(y) ;
register int a = x , b = e[y].u , c = e[y].v , maxn = e[y].w , tmp ;
tmp = query(a , b) ;
if(cmax(maxn , tmp)) e[y].u = a , e[y].v = b ;
tmp = query(a , c) ;
if(cmax(maxn , tmp)) e[y].u = a , e[y].v = c ;
tmp = query(b , c) ;
if(cmax(maxn , tmp)) e[y].u = b , e[y].v = c ;
e[y].w = maxn ;
inline int getopt() { register char c = getchar() ;
while(c != 'Q' && c != 'B') c = getchar() ;
return c == 'B' ;
signed main() {
q = read() ;
while(q --) {
int opt = getopt() ;
if(opt == 1) {
int x = ++ m ;
int y = read() ;
e[x].u = e[x].v = x , f[x] = x ;
if(~ y) Merge(x , y) ;
else {
int x = read() , y = find(x) ;
printf("%lld\n" , max(query(x , e[y].u) , query(x , e[y].v))) ;
return 0 ;
这一部分套用Splay的复杂度,是均摊\(O(\log N)\)的,总复杂度也就降到了\(O(N\log N)\)。
using namespace std ;
int n , m ;
const int N = 1e5 + 10 ;
const int INF = INT_MAX ;
int fa[N] , ch[N][2] , sz[N] , sum[N] , r[N] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline bool getr(int x) { return rs(fa[x]) == x ; }
inline void pushup(int x) {
sum[x] = sum[ls(x)] + sum[rs(x)] + sz[x] + 1 ;
inline void pushdown(int x) {
if(! r[x]) return ;
r[x] = 0 ; r[ls(x)] ^= 1 ; r[rs(x)] ^= 1 ;
swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ;
inline void rotate(int x) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] , k = getr(x) , w = ch[x][k ^ 1] ;
if(! isroot(y)) { ch[z][getr(y)] = x ; }
fa[fa[fa[ch[ch[x][k ^ 1] = y][k] = w] = y] = x] = z ; pushup(y) ;
inline void pushall(int x) {
if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; pushdown(x) ;
inline void splay(int x) {
pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] ;
if(! isroot(y)) { rotate((getr(x) ^ getr(y)) ? x : y) ; }
rotate(x) ;
pushup(x) ;
inline void access(int x) {
for( int tp = 0 ; x ; x = fa[tp = x]) {
splay(x) ;
sz[x] += sum[rs(x)] ;
sz[x] -= sum[rs(x) = tp] ;
pushup(x) ;
inline void makeroot(int x) {
access(x) ; splay(x) ; r[x] ^= 1 ;
inline void split(int x , int y) {
makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; splay(y) ;
inline void link(int x , int y){
split(x , y) ; sz[fa[x] = y] += sum[x] ; pushup(y) ;
int f[N] ;
inline int find(int x) { return x == f[x] ? x : f[x] = find(f[x]) ; }
inline int upd(int x) {
int l , r , j = sum[x] & 1 , Sum = sum[x] >> 1 ; int lsum = 0 , rsum = 0 ;
int newp = INF , nowl = 0 , nowr = 0 ;
while(x) {
pushdown(x) ;
nowl = sum[l = ls(x)] + lsum ;
nowr = sum[r = rs(x)] + rsum ;
if(nowl <= Sum && nowr <= Sum) {
if(j) { newp = x ; break ; }
else if(newp > x) { newp = x ; }
if(nowl < nowr) { lsum += sum[l] + sz[x] + 1 ; x = r ; }
else { rsum += sum[r] + sz[x] + 1 ; x = l ; }
splay(newp) ;
return newp ;
int ans = 0 ;
signed main() {
#ifdef _WIN64
freopen("" , "r" , stdin) ;
ios :: sync_with_stdio(false) ;
cin.tie(nullptr) ;
cout.tie(nullptr) ;
cin >> n >> m ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) { sum[i] = 1 ; f[i] = i ; ans ^= i ; }
while(m --) {
register char ch ; cin >> ch ;
if(ch == 'A') {
int x , y ; cin >> x >> y ;
link(x , y) ;
split(x = find(x) , y = find(y)) ;
int z = upd(y) ;
ans ^= x ^ y ^ z ;
f[x] = f[y] = f[z] = z ;
if(ch == 'Q') {
int x ; cin >> x ;
cout << find(x) << '\n' ;
if(ch == 'X') {
cin >> ch >> ch ;
cout << ans << '\n' ;
给定一个标号为从 \(1\) 到 \(n\) 的、有 \(m\) 条边的无向图,求边权最大值与最小值的差值最小的生成树
所以我们可以用 \(flg\) 数组来标记那些点已经被标记,然后类似与队列的一个一个弹??
inline void pushup(int x) { id[x] = x ;
if(id[ls(x)] > n && (id[x] <= n || id[x] > id[ls(x)]))id[x] = id[ls(x)] ;
if(id[rs(x)] > n && (id[x] <= n || id[x] > id[rs(x)])) id[x] = id[rs(x)] ;
// Isaunoya
using namespace std ;
#define int long long
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pb push_back
inline int read() {
register int x = 0 , f = 1 ;
register char c = getchar() ;
for( ; ! isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) if(c == '-') f = -1 ;
for( ; isdigit(c) ; c = getchar()) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15) ;
return x * f ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmax(T & x , T y) {
return x < y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
template < typename T > inline bool cmin(T & x , T y) {
return x > y ? (x = y) , 1 : 0 ;
inline int QP(int x , int y , int Mod){ int ans = 1 ;
for( ; y ; y >>= 1 , x = (x * x) % Mod)
if(y & 1) ans = (ans * x) % Mod ;
return ans ;
int n , m ;
const int N = 4e5 + 10 ;
const int M = 4e5 + 10 ;
struct node { int u , v , w ; } e[M << 1] ;
inline bool cmp(node x , node y) {
return x.w < y.w ;
bool flg[M] ;
class LCT {
public :
int fa[M] , id[M] ;
bool rev[M] ;
int ch[M][2] ;
#define ls(x) ch[x][0]
#define rs(x) ch[x][1]
inline bool isroot(int x) { return ls(fa[x]) != x && rs(fa[x]) != x ; }
inline void pushup(int x) { id[x] = x ;
if(id[ls(x)] > n && (id[x] <= n || id[x] > id[ls(x)]))id[x] = id[ls(x)] ;
if(id[rs(x)] > n && (id[x] <= n || id[x] > id[rs(x)])) id[x] = id[rs(x)] ;
inline void rever(int x) { if(! rev[x]) return ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; rev[ls(x)] ^= 1 ; rev[rs(x)] ^= 1 ; swap(ls(x) , rs(x)) ; }
inline void rotate(int x) { int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
int qwq = rs(y) == x ; fa[x] = z ;
if(! isroot(y)) ch[z][rs(z) == y] = x ;
fa[ch[x][qwq ^ 1]] = y ; ch[y][qwq] = ch[x][qwq ^ 1] ;
fa[y] = x ; ch[x][qwq ^ 1] = y ;
pushup(y) , pushup(x) ;
inline void pushall(int x) { if(! isroot(x)) pushall(fa[x]) ; rever(x) ; }
inline void Splay(int x) { pushall(x) ;
while(! isroot(x)) {
int y = fa[x] , z = fa[y] ;
if(! isroot(y)) rotate((rs(z) == y) ^ (rs(y) == x) ? x : y) ;
rotate(x) ;
inline void access(int x) {for(int tp = 0 ; x ; tp = x , x = fa[tp]) Splay(x) , rs(x) = tp , pushup(x) ;}
inline void makeroot(int x) { access(x) ; Splay(x) ; rev[x] ^= 1 ; rever(x) ; }
inline int findroot(int x) {access(x) ; Splay(x) ; rever(x) ;
while(ls(x)) rever(x = ls(x)) ;
return x ;
inline void split(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; access(y) ; Splay(y) ; }
inline bool chk(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; return findroot(y) != x ; }
inline void link(int x , int y) { makeroot(x) ; fa[x] = y ; }
} lct ;
int st[M << 2] ;
int book[N << 1] ;
signed main() {
n = read() ; m = read() ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) { int u = read() , v = read() , w = read() ;
e[i] = {u , v , w} ;
} sort(e + 1 , e + m + 1 , cmp) ;
int idx = n , idnum = 0 ;
int ll = 1 ; int ans = INT_MAX ;
for(register int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++) {
++ idx ;
int x , y ;
x = e[i].u , y = e[i].v ;
if(x == y) { flg[i] = 1 ; continue ; }
if(lct.chk(x , y)) , idx) , , y) , idnum ++ ;
else {
lct.split(x , y) ;
int now =[y] ;
flg[now - n] = 1 ; lct.Splay(now) ;
lct.fa[] = lct.fa[] = 0 ; , idx) , , y) ;
} while(flg[ll] && ll <= i) ++ ll ;
if(idnum >= n - 1) ans = min(ans , e[i].w - e[ll].w) ;
} printf("%lld\n" , ans) ;
return 0 ;
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