

  1. class Solution:
  2. def twoSumBSTs(self, root1: TreeNode, root2: TreeNode, target: int) -> bool:
  3. if not root1 :return
  4. root_copy = root2
  5. while root1 and root_copy:
  6. if root1.val + root_copy.val < target:
  7. root_copy = root_copy.right
  8. elif root1.val + root_copy.val > target:
  9. root_copy = root_copy.left
  10. else:return True
  11. if self.twoSumBSTs(root1.left,root2,target):
  12. return True
  13. if self.twoSumBSTs(root1.right,root2,target):
  14. return True
  15. return False


  1. class Solution(object):
  2. def twoSumBSTs(self, root1, root2, target):
  3. ans1 = []
  4. def dfs1(node):
  5. if node:
  6. dfs1(node.left)
  7. ans1.append(node.val)
  8. dfs1(node.right)
  9. ans2 = []
  10. def dfs2(node):
  11. if node:
  12. dfs2(node.left)
  13. ans2.append(node.val)
  14. dfs2(node.right)
  15. dfs1(root1)
  16. dfs2(root2)
  17. seen = set(ans1)
  18. for x in ans2:
  19. if target-x in seen:
  20. return True
  21. return False


  1. class Solution:
  2. def twoSumBSTs(self, root1: TreeNode, root2: TreeNode, target: int) -> bool:
  3. def conv(root):
  4. if not root:
  5. return []
  6. else:
  7. return [root.val] + conv(root.left) + conv(root.right)
  8. r1 = conv(root1)
  9. r2 = conv(root2)
  10. r1 = set(r1)
  11. r2 = set(r2)
  12. for i in r1:
  13. if target - i in r2:
  14. return True
  15. return False


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