Led Night Light Factory: Traveler Led Night Light
Wake up in a strange hotel room in the evening and find the way to the bathroom, without stepping on the toes or being blinded by the wall switch lights, this can be a daunting task. The use of travel nightlights not only provides light, but also provides high efficiency and low power, and can be carried. One solution is an LED bulb. When you're not charging your phone, it can be used with a standard USB charger or if you have a dual port charger.
This new method for producing high efficiency, low power lighting uses LED white light technology in combination with a standard USB universal charger to provide a low level light source with perfect intensity. So, allowing you to navigate in a dark room, not so bright, and blind. Of course, this is not only suitable for travel, it can be used at home or in the office, and even outdoors. You only need a USB charger/power supply with an A-type socket. The night light kit consists of two parts: an LED bulb and a USB charger/power adapter. The USB memory stick shaped LED bulb contains an LED and is surrounded by a see-through cover. Simply plug the LED bulb into the USB power source to illuminate. high efficiency. Low power light. For example, a standard 4 watt incandescent night light or even a standard LED night light still consumes 30-40 horsepower 120v, which is equivalent to 3-4 watts! The LED bulb solution requires only 2 horsepower 120v, which is equivalent to less than 25 watts. Compared to incandescent lamps and most LED nightlights, the level of illumination produced is 10 times lower.
Simply use a separate LED bulb and plug it into your own USB power source or use a pre-packaged kit. There are two kits available. A wall socket kit that plugs directly into a wall outlet or light bulb kit to replace the standard light bulb in nighttime fixtures. Some novel uses are targeted applications such as accent lighting or lighting specific areas such as corridors, offices, lounges, computer rooms, and more. This is a truly amazing technology that can have a major impact on our environment if used in large quantities. So if you want to save money. You want to save energy. You like to save the planet. Those innovative solutions can help us all
Ninghai Haohua Company is a manufacturer that designs and produces all kinds of LED night lights. We have a strong R&D team that develops and produces products based on drawings or samples provided by our customers. Have their own quality inspection system and testing equipment to ensure product quality. Pay attention to LED Night Light Factory, learn more LED night light information
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