GetCurrentDirectory函数获得当前文件所在的目录,并不是进程的目录(debug 和 release),它和GetCommandLine不同

#ifdef UNICODE
#define GetCurrentDirectory  GetCurrentDirectoryW
#define GetCurrentDirectory  GetCurrentDirectoryA
#endif // !UNICODE

DWORD GetCurrentDirectory
                                                 DWORD nBufferLength,  // size of directory buffer
                                                 LPTSTR lpBuffer       // directory buffer);

BOOL SetCurrentDirectory(  LPCTSTR lpPathName   // new directory name

    char szDir1[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
    DWORD dwLen1 = GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, szDir1);

WCHAR *pDir2 = NULL;
    DWORD dwLen2 = GetCurrentDirectory(0, pDir2);

pDir2 = new WCHAR[dwLen2];
    DWORD dwLen = GetCurrentDirectory(dwLen2, pDir2);

delete []pDir2;

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