Noxim - the NoC Simulator that is implemented by SystemC


C++ compiler installation


YAML installation

 The name of the package depends on the Unix version you are using.

 On Ubuntu 14.04, for example, it is possible to install yaml (and the required boost
libraries) with: sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev libboost-dev If the packet libyaml-cpp-dev is not available just build yaml-cpp:
- CMake
sudo apt-get install cmake - Boost libs
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev Then download the code at
and execute the folloqing commands: unzip
mv yaml-cpp-master yaml-cpp
cd yaml-cpp
mkdir lib
cd lib
cmake ..
sudo make install On MacOSX, when using macports, just type: sudo port install yaml-cpp Please also set properly the YAML path in the Makefile, as follows:
YAML := /opt/local/


SystemC installation

 - Download SystemC (currently at version 2.3.) from (a free registration is required).
- Unpack it:
tar -xzf systemc-2.3..tgz - Enter the newly created directory and refer to the file INSTALL which details all the steps
required for building. Basically they are: mkdir objdir
cd objdir
export CXX=g++
make install
cd ..
rm -rf objdir Once you have installed SystemC correctly, you may then jump to the next step.


Build Noxim

If SystemC is installed correctly, then you just have to compile Noxim.

) Extract the source files and go to the "bin" directory.

) In that directory edit the file Makefile to modify "SYSTEMC" and "YAML"
environment variables according to your installation paths. Please, note that the
values already set in the Makefile should be fine if you are using Ubuntu ) Just run "make". [cp@Server203 bin]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/cp/SystemC/systemc-2.3.1a/lib-linux64 (非常重要,
解决问题:./noxim: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You may ignore warning messages (if any), so if you don't get any error you are
ready to run Noxim for the first time using the command: ./noxim -config ../config_examples/default_config.yaml If everything works fine, it is now safe for you to copy or move this executable
elsewhere; if you are a maniac of cleaning please note that "make clean" will also delete the executable... so move it before cleaning! That's all, folks!


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