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<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> <!--frame 位置-->
<!--type: 折线图 柱状图 饼状图-->
<!--ymax y轴最大值-->
<!--xtitles x轴下面的标题-->
<!--dataSource 数据源组-->
<!-- piePercentValue 数值-->
<!-- color 颜色-->
<!-- text 关联名-->
<!-- project 关联项目名-->
<!-- plots 点集合-->
<!-- isShowPoint 显示点-->
<!--}--> function createchart() { var options = {
"frame" : [,,,],
"xtitles" :["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" , "", "", "", ""],
"dataSource" :[
"piePercentValue": "",
"color": [, , ],
"plots":["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" , "", "", "", ""]
"piePercentValue": "",
"color": [, , ],
"plots":["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" , "", "", "", ""]
"piePercentValue": "",
"color": [, , ],
"plots":["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" , "", "", "", ""]
}; showChartView.chartutility(testSuccess,testFailed,[options]);
} function testSuccess(msg) {
function testFailed(msg) {
alert('failed: ' + msg);
} function goHome()
window.location.href = "index.html";
</script> </head> <body>
<div class="btn bg_5" onclick="createchart();">生成图表</div><br/>
<div class="btn bg_1" onclick="goHome();">返回</div><br/> </body> </html>





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