上两节我们创建了一个 PreOperation的plugin



首先,我们创建新的class, 并且取名TaskCreate.cs


然后我们可以从Settings -> Customization -> Customize the System 中查看Task的Form.

本次我们取subject, description, Priority 还有 Duration

因为due date为时间, priority为option, 所以在代码上和string有些许不同.

  1. try
  2. {
  3. // Plug-in business logic goes here.
  4. Entity taskRecord = new Entity("task");
  6. // Single line of text
  7. taskRecord.Attributes.Add("subject", "Follow up");
  8. taskRecord.Attributes.Add("description", "Please follow up with contact.");
  10. // Date
  11. taskRecord.Attributes.Add("scheduledend", DateTime.Now.AddDays());
  13. // Option set value as "High"
  14. taskRecord.Attributes.Add("prioritycode", new OptionSetValue());
  16. // Parent record or Look up
  17. // You should link your assignment(Task) to the specific contact
  18. // contact.Id can ONLY be used in the Post-validation Operation due to pre-validation will not have the ID yet and it will cost the error.
  19. // taskRecord.Attributes.Add("regardingobjectid", new EntityReference("contact", contact.Id));
  20. taskRecord.Attributes.Add("regardingobjectid", contact.ToEntityReference());
  21. Guid taskGuid = service.Create(taskRecord);
  22. }

写好之后rebuild, 并且打开Register tool. 双击我们register的assembly.

load刚才build之后生成的dll, 并且点击确定.

我们重新创建一个contact, 这次就会发现我们的activities中有一个task

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