(查看behave具体教程可以访问官网: http://pythonhosted.org/behave/


安装好python后,使用 pip install behave命令安装behave








Feature: word check
  Scenario: Check letters
    Given I have a letter
    When I input letter y
Then the inputed letter is Equal with y


__author__ = 'Amy'
from behave import * @Given('I have a letter')
def step_impl(context):
    pass @When('I input letter {letter}')
def step_impl(context,letter):
    context.letter = letter @Then('the inputed letter is Equal with {TargetLetter}')
def step_impl(context,TargetLetter):
context.TargetLetter = TargetLetter
    assert context.letter is context.TargetLetter


4.Scenario Outlines

在测试同一个场景时,很多时候我们需要输入各种各样的数据来验证不同的结果输出,这时我们用Scenario Outlines就可以实现了。如下图分别输大小写字母来验证场景

Feature: word check
  Scenario Outline: Check letters
    Given I have a letter
    When I input letter <keyword>
Then the inputed letter is Equal with <targetword>    Examples: Lowercase letters
a      |a         |
b      |b         |     Examples: Capital letters
F      |F         |
D      |D         |




Feature: show the table
  Scenario: some scenario
  Given a set of specific users
     | name      | department  |
Barry     | Beer Cans   |
Pudey     | Silly Walks |
Two-Lumps | Silly Walks |
This is a table,and this line will be displayed in result,it is context.text attribute
we count the number of people in each department
 Then we will find two people in "Silly Walks"
  But we will find one person in "Beer Cans"



before_step(context, step), after_step(context, step)

These run before and after every step.

before_scenario(context, scenario), after_scenario(context, scenario)

These run before and after each scenario is run.

before_feature(context, feature), after_feature(context, feature)

These run before and after each feature file is exercised.

before_tag(context, tag), after_tag(context, tag)

These run before and after a section tagged with the given name. They are invoked for each tag encountered in the order they’re found in the feature file.

before_all(context), after_all(context)

These run before and after the whole shooting match.


# coding:utf-8
__author__ = 'Amy'
import sys
from behave import *
from selenium import webdriver # 开始测试前,定义系统编码为utf-8
def before_all(context):
    sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def before_feature(context):
    context.driver = webdriver.Firefox() def after_feature(context):



Feature: find a look
  Scenario: look up a book
   Given I search for a valid book
    Then the result page will include "success"   @invalid
  Scenario: look up an invalid book
    Given I search for a invalid book
     Then the result page will include "failure"

执行的时候在behave 后面加上tag 标签即可,如我只测试“valid”这个场景,那么就输入“behave --tags=valid”.

如果你想执行若干个不同标签的场景,你可以这么写“behave --tags=valid,invalid”;

如果你想执行除了@invalid外的所有场景,你可以这么写“behave --tags=-invalid”;

如果你要执行标签包含了 “valid”和“invalid”两个签标的场景,你可以这么写“behave --tags=valid --tags=invalid”


def before_feature(context):
    if 'browser' in feature.tags:
        context.driver = webdriver.Firefox() def after_feature(context):
    if 'browser' in feature.tags:


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