D - Christmas

Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 1024MB

Score : 400 points

Problem Statement

In some other world, today is Christmas.

Mr. Takaha decides to make a multi-dimensional burger in his party. A level-L burger (L is an integer greater than or equal to 0) is the following thing:

  • A level-0 burger is a patty.
  • A level-L burger (L≥1) is a bun, a level-(L−1) burger, a patty, another level-(L−1) burger and another bun, stacked vertically in this order from the bottom.

For example, a level-1 burger and a level-2 burger look like BPPPB and BBPPPBPBPPPBB (rotated 90 degrees), where B and P stands for a bun and a patty.

The burger Mr. Takaha will make is a level-N burger. Lunlun the Dachshund will eat X layers from the bottom of this burger (a layer is a patty or a bun). How many patties will she eat?


  • 1≤N≤50
  • 1≤X≤( the total number of layers in a level-N burger )
  • N and X are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the number of patties in the bottom-most X layers from the bottom of a level-N burger.

Sample Input 1

2 7

Sample Output 1


There are 4 patties in the bottom-most 7 layers of a level-2 burger (BBPPPBPBPPPBB).

Sample Input 2

1 1

Sample Output 2


The bottom-most layer of a level-1 burger is a bun.

Sample Input 3

50 4321098765432109

Sample Output 3


A level-50 burger is rather thick, to the extent that the number of its layers does not fit into a 32-bit integer.


  题意: 一个L级别的汉堡由 一个b ,一个L-1级别的汉堡, 一个p, 一个L-1级别的汉堡, 一个b 共五层组成。

  0 级别的汉堡单独由 p 组成。

  例如 1级别的汉堡由 b, 1-1, p, 1-1, b 也就是bpppb

  2级别的汉堡由 b, 2-1, p, 2-1, b 组成 也就是b(bpppb)p(bpppb)b

  问: 现在有一个N级别的汉堡,从最底层(最顶层)开始吃 吃掉x层后,一共吃掉了多少层p


using namespace std; long long arr[];
long long stu[];
long long ans = ;
int n;
long long x;
void f(int d){
if(x==arr[d]){//如果吃x层会整好吃完级别为 d 的汉堡
ans += stu[d];
return ;
}else if(x){
x--;// 吃掉最底层的 b
if(x>arr[d-]){// x 落在了上面的 L-1 级的汉堡
x-=arr[d-];//吃掉下面的 L-1 级的汉堡
ans += stu[d-];// L-1级别的汉堡有stu[l-1]层 p
x--;// 吃掉中间的 p
if(x)f(d-);// 进入上面的 L-1 级的汉堡
//这里可以不进行if判断直接进入 因为进入后还会判断x非零
} else f(d-);// 落点在下面的 L-1 级汉堡
int main(){
arr[] = ;
arr[] = ;
arr[] = ;
stu[] = ;
stu[] = ;
stu[] = ;
for(int i=;i<;i++){
//arr[i] = 1+arr[i-1]+1+arr[i-1]+1;
arr[i] = arr[i-]*+;// 级别为 i 的汉堡的层数 b+p
stu[i] = stu[i-]*+;// 级别为 i 的汉堡的 p 的数量
return ;

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