    We used to use "find" command in linux or AIX when we need to get a certain file but cannot rember the precise name.We will execute "find /pathtobegin -name xxx" in our OS prompt.Is there any tool can find a specific table of MySQL database which similarly as "find" does?
    pt-find is a very useful tool to find out a sepcific table with a condition you've specified.It even can execute a sql operation when finding it simutaneously.

Common parameters

--day-start //Specify the meassure mothed of time when using "--cmin,--mmin,--ctime,--mtime,etc".
--or //Change the combination test behavior as "or" instead of default "and". Actions:
--exec //Specify the executing sql statement with each item found.
--exec-plus //Specify the executing sql statement with all items at once.
--print //Print the target database and table name.
--printf //Print with a certain format. Tests:
--autoinc //Speicfy a value of auto_increment to test whether has auto_inrcrement column.
--avgrowlen //Specify the average
--cmin //Specify the target table created n minutes ago.
--ctime //Specify the target table created n days ago.
--mmin //Specify the target table modified n minutes ago.
--mtime //Specify the target table modified n days ago.
--kmim //Specify the target table checked n minutes ago.
--ktime //Specify the target table checked n days ago.
--rowformat //Specify the row format of tables to match pattern.
--rows //Specify the rows the table contains.
--tablesize //Specify the size the table is.
--empty //Specify the talbe which has no rows.
--engines //Specify the engine of tabls.
Find out all tables in all databases.
 [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm
`zlm`.`t2` //It shows all the tables in all databases one line each table.

Find out all the MyISAM tables.

 [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm --engine=MyISAM

Find out all the tables in database "zlm" which does not have auto_increment column.

 [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm --dblike=zlm --autoinc=

Find out all the tables which is empty.

 [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm --empty

Find out all the tables sorted descendingly by size.

 [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm --printf "%T\t%D.%N\n" | sort -rn

Find out all the tables over 16K.

 [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm --tablesize +

Find out table in "zlm" database which name is like "t3" then drop it.

 (zlm@ )[zlm]>create table t3 like t2;
Query OK, rows affected (0.02 sec) (zlm@ )[zlm]>show create table t3\G
*************************** . row ***************************
Table: t3
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t3` (
`id` int() NOT NULL,
`name` char() DEFAULT NULL,
row in set (0.00 sec) (zlm@ )[zlm]>show tables;
| Tables_in_zlm |
| t1 |
| t2 |
| t3 |
rows in set (0.00 sec) [root@zlm2 :: /data/mysql/mysql3308/data]
#pt-find -h192.168.1. -P3308 -uzlm -pzlmzlm --print zlm --tbllike=t3 --exec-plus "drop table %s"
`zlm`.`t3` (zlm@ )[zlm]>show tables;
| Tables_in_zlm |
| t1 |
| t2 |
rows in set (0.00 sec) //The table has been droped directly by the last command in pt-find.
  • pt-find is rather useful when retrieving target table with flexible conditions you defined.
  • pt-find has a lot of options.We should be more careful when using ddl statement by "--exec" or "--exec-plus".
  • We can use it to collect the important information about a bunch of tables easily which can increse the working efficiency.


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