


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string str1,str2;
    for(auto ch:str2) needDeleted[ch]=true;
    for(auto ch:str1){
        if(needDeleted[ch]) continue;//遇到需要删去的字符不输出
        else cout<<ch;

1050 String Subtraction的更多相关文章

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  2. PAT 1050 String Subtraction

    1050 String Subtraction (20 分)   Given two strings S​1​​ and S​2​​, S=S​1​​−S​2​​ is defined to be t ...

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    1050 String Subtraction (20 分) Given two strings S​1​​ and S​2​​, S=S​1​​−S​2​​ is defined to be the ...

  4. pat 1050 String Subtraction(20 分)

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  5. PAT 甲级 1050 String Subtraction (20 分) (简单送分,getline(cin,s)的使用)

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  6. PAT甲级——1050 String Subtraction

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  7. 1050. String Subtraction (20)

    this problem  is from PAT, which website is http://pat.zju.edu.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1050. firs ...

  8. PAT (Advanced Level) 1050. String Subtraction (20)

    简单题. #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> ...

  9. PAT甲题题解-1050. String Subtraction (20)-水题

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  10. PAT 甲级 1050 String Subtraction

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