hdu 4723 How Long Do You Have to Draw(贪心)
How Long Do You Have to Draw
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 277 Accepted Submission(s): 110
c2 < ... < cN) respectively. And there are also M points on line y2 from left to right. The x-coordinate of the M points are x = d1, d2, ... dM (d1 < d2 < ... < dM)
Now you can draw segments between the points on y1 and y2 by some segments. Each segment should exactly connect one point on y1 with one point on y2.
The segments cannot cross with each other. By doing so, these segments, along with y1 and y2, can form some triangles, which have positive areas and have no segments inside them.
The problem is, to get as much triangles as possible, what is the minimum sum of the length of these segments you draw?
For each test case, first line has two numbers a and b (0 <= a, b <= 104), which is the position of y1 and y2.
The second line has two numbers N and M (1 <= N, M <= 105), which is the number of points on y1 and y2.
The third line has N numbers c1, c2, .... , cN(0 <= ci < ci+1 <= 106), which is the x-coordinate of the N points on line y1.
The fourth line has M numbers d1, d2, ... , dM(0 <= di < di+1 <= 106), which is the x-coordinate of the M points on line y2.
0 1
2 3
1 3
0 2 4
Case #1: 5.66
题解:要保证有最多的三角形 得把全部的点都连上。这样先把两平行线的最左端两点先连上,再依次把两条平行线最左端没连的选距离小的连上。
#define N 100010 using namespace std; double a[N],b[N]; int main() {
int t;
int ca=1;
while(t--) {
double y1,y2;
int n,m;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<m; j++) {
printf("Case #%d: ",ca++);
if(n==1&&m==1) {
if(n==0||m==0) {
double ans=sqrt((y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(a[0]-b[0])*(a[0]-b[0]));
int l1=1,l2=1;
while(l1<n&&l2<m) {
double dis1=(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(a[l1]-b[l2-1])*(a[l1]-b[l2-1]);
double dis2=(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(a[l1-1]-b[l2])*(a[l1-1]-b[l2]);
if(dis1<dis2) {
} else {
while(l1<n) {
double dis1=(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(a[l1]-b[l2-1])*(a[l1]-b[l2-1]);
while(l2<m) {
double dis2=(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)+(a[l1-1]-b[l2])*(a[l1-1]-b[l2]);
printf("%.2f\n",ans );
return 0;
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