The starting point of all achievements is desire.


Only you desire for somethings, you can have the motivation to achieve them.

Maybe it is better to live a life without desire, but that is not the life I want to live.

Even though I had lost too far behind, I still want to catch up with the pace of my peers.

Give me some hope and some bonus, I beg you.

The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.


Ache, the ache in my gluteus, has lasted for several years since I began my running.

I think I could hardly bear the ache any more.

I try to exercise some stretching movements to recover from the discomforts, but once I continune the running, I would feel pain again.

Maybe it is the time I should give up running and try to accept the fact that I would become a fat, miserable man.

What should I do? Why I have to experience so many miserable things?

Just keep a quiet mind and try to sumbit all my life to the fate.

Are you satisfied with this?

But I am not reconciled at all.

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