ERROR:interface eth0 does not exist; ensure that you have loaded the correct kernel moudle for your hardware

error sshd needs service(s) net:,为此重新编译了设备驱动的内核模块

Check dependice: /lib/rc/bin/rc-depend -u
The help:

I install gentoo-20121221 in VirtualBox on my host XUbuntu, when the kenel was copiled and after reboot, run
localhost /ect/init.d/ # ./sshd start
localhost /ect/init.d/ # network interface eth0 does not exist
localhost /ect/init.d/ # dmesg | grep -i net
localhost /ect/init.d/ # [    8.415192] systemd-udevd[969]: renamed network interface eth0 to enp0s3

localhost /ect/init.d/ # ln -s net.lo net.enp0s3
localhost /ect/init.d/ # rc-update delete net.eth0 default
localhost /ect/init.d/ # rc-update delete net.enp0s3 default
localhost /ect/init.d/ # ./sshd start
localhost /ect/init.d/ # * Starting sshd ...

Before above, I have set port foward for my VBox guest:
Gentoo -> Setting -> Network ->
    Attached to: NAT
   Port Forwarding: 
        Name Protocol    Host IP    Host Port    Guest IP    Guest Port
        Rule1       2222    22

And then, command in host XUbuntu:
$ ssh -p 2222 root@

Now it's ok to use SSH.
localhost # startx
localhost # xterm: command not found
localhost # emerge --deep --newuse xinit
localhost # startx
localhost # twm:command not found
localhost # 
localhost # startx
localhost # startx

If you startx successly, but the mouse or keyboard don't work, please install some relative drivers for your input devices, search them as follow:

localhost # emerge -s xf86-input
localhost# emerge foo1 foo2 ...
localhost# pa aux|grep xterm
localhost# kill xterm_pid
localhost# startx

Now it works!

emerge --deep --newuse xinit

About net.sit0 and dhcpcd:
       Your shouldn't foget "emerge dhcp" when you're install Gentoo by Livecd Shell, or there is some problem for you net.sit0, haha.

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