This improved Response API, able to simplify the Framework's Response management. Practically, is now possible to do in a Controller Method:
// Create a Response instance with string content
return Response::make(json_encode($user));
// Create a Response instance with a given status
return Response::make('Not Found', 404);
// Create a Response with some custom headers
return Response::make(json_encode($user), 200, array('header' => 'value'));
// Create a response instance with JSON
return Response::json($data, 200, array('header' => 'value'));
// Create a 404 response with data (will be directly obtained a shiny themed Error Page)
return Response::error('404', array('message' => 'Not Found'));
It is also possible to use those Response instance in the Route Filters, case when the given Response will be sent to the browser and the further processing will be skipped.
To note that Response class was moved to Core considering as being now a vital part of Framework, for its properly work, and not an (optional) Helper.
The new Response API permit further simplifications on Routing. For example, the command Response::error()is quite capable to display a themed/templated Error Page, without the help of an additional "Error Controller" or other "callbacks".
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