Technology is on the rise and with each passing day, something new is coming up. Of course, not all the projects see the daylight as originally planned, but some stick around and they make waves. Technology is something that will evolve forever but for now, the technology available has loads of applications in the education industry. One of the more typical questions regarding technology and education is how technology can possibly shape the future of education. Although the process of introducing the following technologies in class rooms may not be that easy of a task, it is at least quite the possibility. Not only will that, but the introduction of such technologies in the classrooms actually give a significant rise to the quality of education.


This particular article lists 10 Technologies that will Shape Future Education. The whole process of implementation may take long and incur a lot of expenses, but it is bound to be fruitful in the end. Let us know what you think and as always, your comments and opinions are always welcome.


Edmodo is a social learning platform which can prove to be useful for students and teachers both. The best part is that is a free service to utilize. Like all social networks, it may look and feel familiar to use, but of course it serves a completely different purpose. It has a shared timeline which is displayed as your homepage. This is where teacher and students can interact with each other. Another handy little feature is the library which students and teachers can use to store files. The network should come in handy when it comes to submitting assignments etc.

9. Google Drive

Google Drive is a free cloud storage platform. Cloud storage is discussed in further detail below. Google’s very own version of PowerPoint, Excel and Word has been built into this platform. Students can upload and view files online from a computer, tablet or a smartphone. The only thing you will need is the application when it comes to the smart devices and internet. This should allow you to view your files anywhere at any time.

8. Augmented Reality

The concept of Augmented Reality is yet to take the world over. Of course, tech giants like Google with their products like Google Glass are trying to bring the concept over to everyday use, it will be interesting to see how exactly this particular technology can shape the future of education if applied in the classrooms. The whole experience is still in its infancy, and AR should be immersive enough so that the information can be readily blended with the reality around us. Google Glass for example, has taken AR to the next level. People no longer have to hold their devices in order to explore the world. They can talk to their glasses and the whole world is pretty much right there in front of their eyes.

7. 3D Printing


It would seem that the days of the LEGO will soon be over. This particular device is a must in a classroom. This will allow the students to actually be creative. Of course, the process cannot be free of supervision, but what would be more interesting than children or teenagers printing whatever they like. Engineering students and even biology students should be able to take the most out of this device. It would be interesting to see how this printer works out in the practical setting of a classroom. You can take this watch video Dimension BST 3D printer lets students create design prototypes.

6. Cloud Computing


Having to work on computers and storing one’s work on the said computer is always risky. Loads of things could go wrong which could result in one losing his or her data or assignment or homework, whatever the case maybe. This is the very reason why cloud computing is a must for students. Students will be able to use this technology in order to access all their homework and learning resources online. They will be free of having to carry heavy notebooks all the time, and finally, they will be free of worrying whether or not their assignments are safe. Most importantly, excuses like, ‘my dog ate my homework’ will no longer work.

5. Online Social Networking

While many universities and schools actually prohibit the use of social media networks on the network of the premises, social networking may actually prove to be very helpful in a classroom environment. The best part about the social media networks is that they offer students with a platform to express their thoughts without any restrictions. That could be used in a positive manner to boost performance.

4. Flexible Displays


When a teacher is teaching, students usually take notes. While many of the students now have ultra-books and such gadgets in order to take notes, many still use the memo pads. While that is perfectly fine, in both cases, the weight is a lot to carry around. Especially if one is carrying an ultra-book, the safety of it is always on one’s mind. So what if the classrooms could come up with flexible displays that could connect with the cloud computing? Students could hold the displays and tuck them in their bag. They could save the notes on cloud. Sounds perfect.

Example of Sony’s 13.3-inch Digital Paper prototypesports E Ink’s Mobius flexible display, we go hands-on

3. Biometrics: Eye Tracking


Biometrics is becoming huge when it comes to security and loads of other purposes. Of course it is mainly associated with security and rightly so. But what it can further be used for is to track the movements of the eyes of the students. That way, teachers will be able to understand exactly how students focus their attention and absorb information.

2. Multi-Touch LCD Screens


Multi-touch is pretty common these days. The only problem is the universities and schools all over the world use white and blackboards in order to give a lecture. One option is to replace those boards with screens. It is very convenient, but the cost may be very high.

1. Game-Based Learning


Gaming industry is growing day by day. It makes sense to develop games that would help with learning. The important factor here is that students will pay more attention and learning will definitely be more effective. I know I speak for several thousand students here when I say this.

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