转:Build Your First JavaScript Library
Step 1: Creating the Library Boilerplate
We’ll start with some wrapper code, which will contain our whole library. It’s your typical immediately invoked function expression (IIFE).
window.dome = (function () {
function Dome (els) { } var dome = {
get: function (selector) { }
}; return dome;
As you can see, we’re calling our library Dome, because it’s primarily a DOM library. Yes, it’s lame.
We’ve got a couple of things going on here. First, we have a function; it will eventually be a constructor function for the instances of our library; those objects will wrap our selected or created elements.
Then, we have our dome
object, which is our actual library object; as you can see, it’s returned at the end there. It’s got an empty get
function, which we’ll use to select elements from the page. So, let’s fill that in now.
Step 2: Getting Elements
The dome.get
function will take one parameter, but it could be a number of things. If it’s a string, we’ll assume it’s a CSS selector; but we can also take a single DOM Node, or a NodeList.
get: function (selector) {
var els;
if (typeof selector === "string") {
els = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
} else if (selector.length) {
els = selector;
} else {
els = [selector];
return new Dome(els);
We’re using document.querySelectorAll
to simplify the finding of elements: of course, this does limit our browser support, but for this case, that’s okay. If selector
is not a string, we’ll check for a length
property. If it exists, we’ll know we have a NodeList
; otherwise, we have a single element and we’ll put that in an array. That’s because we need an array to pass to our call to Dome
at the bottom there; as you can see, we’re returning a new Dome
object. So let’s go back to that empty Dome
function and fill it in.
Step 3: Creating Dome
Here’s that Dome
function Dome (els) {
for(var i = ; i < els.length; i++ ) {
this[i] = els[i];
this.length = els.length;
I really recommend you dig around inside a few of your favourite libraries.
This is really simple: we just iterate over the elements we selected and stick them onto the new object with numeric indices. Then, we add a length
But what’s the point here? Why not just return the elements? We’re wrapping the elements in an object because we want to be able to create methods for the object; these are the methods that will allow us to interact with those elements. This is actually a boiled-down version of the way jQuery does it.
So, now that we have our Dome
object being returned, let’s add some methods to its prototype. I’m going to put those methods right under the Dome
Step 4: Adding a Few Utilities
The first functions we’re going to write are simple utility functions. Since our Dome
objects could wrap more than one DOM element, we’re going to need to loop over every element in pretty much every method; so, these utilities will be handy.
Let’s start with a map
Dome.prototype.map = function (callback) {
var results = [], i = 0;
for ( ; i < this.length; i++) {
results.push(callback.call(this, this[i], i));
return results;
Of course, the map
function takes a single parameter, a callback function. We’ll loop over the items in the array, collecting whatever is returned from the callback in the results
array. Notice how we’re calling that callback function:
callback.call(this, this[i], i));
By doing it this way, the function will be called in the context of our Dome
instance, and it will receive two parameters: the current element, and the index number.
We also want a forEach
function. This is actually really simple:
Dome.prototype.forEach(callback) {
return this;
Since the only difference between map
and forEach
is that map
needs to return something, we can just pass our callback to this.map
and ignore the returned array; instead, we’ll return this
to make our library chainable. We’ll be using forEach
quite a bit. So, notice that when we return our this.forEach
call from a function, we’re actually returning this
. For example, these methods actually return the same thing:
Dome.prototype.someMethod1 = function (callback) {
return this;
}; Dome.prototype.someMethod2 = function (callback) {
return this.forEach(callback);
One more: mapOne
. It’s easy to see what this function does, but the real question is, why do we need it? This requires a bit of what you could call “library philosophy.”
A Short “Philosophical” Detour
Firstly, the DOM can be rather rough to wrangle for a beginner; it’s a pretty poor excuse for an API.
If building a library were just about writing the code, it wouldn’t be too difficult a job. But as I worked on this project, I found the tougher part was deciding how certain methods should work.
Soon, we’re going to build a text
method that returns the text of our selected elements. If our Dome
object wraps several DOM node (dome.get("li")
, for example), what should this return? If you do something similar in jQuery ($("li").text()
), you’ll get a single string with the text of all the elements concatenated together. Is this useful? I don’t think so, but I’m not sure what a better return value would be.
For this project, I’ll return the text of multiple elements as an array, unless there’s only one item in the array; then we’ll just return the text string, not an array with a single item. I think you’ll most often be getting the text of a single element, so we optimize for that case. However, if you’re getting the text of multiple elements, we’ll return something you can work with.
Back to Coding
So, the mapOne
method will simply run map
, and then either return the array, or the single item that was in the array. If you’re still not sure how this is useful, stick around: you’ll see!
Dome.prototype.mapOne = function (callback) {
var m = this.map(callback);
return m.length > 1 ? m : m[0];
Step 5: Working with Text and HTML
Next, let’s add that text
method. Just like jQuery, we can pass it a string and set the element’s text, or use no parameters to get the text back.
Dome.prototype.text = function (text) {
if (typeof text !== "undefined") {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el.innerText = text;
} else {
return this.mapOne(function (el) {
return el.innerText;
As you might expect, we need to check for a value in text
to see if we’re setting or getting. Note that just if (text)
wouldn’t work, because an empty string is a false value.
If we’re setting, we’ll do a forEach
over the elements and set their innerText
property to the text
. If we’re getting, we’ll return the elements’ innerText
property. Note our use of the mapOne
method: if we’re working with multiple elements, this will return an array; otherwise, it will be just the string.
The html
method will do pretty much the same thing as text
, except that it will use the innerHTML
property, instead of innerText
Dome.prototype.html = function (html) {
if (typeof html !== "undefined") {
this.forEach(function (el) {
el.innerHTML = html;
return this;
} else {
return this.mapOne(function (el) {
return el.innerHTML;
Like I said: almost identical.
Step 6: Hacking Classes
Next up, we want to be able to add and remove classes; so let’s write the addClass
and removeClass
Our addClass
method will take either a string or an array of class names. To make this work, we need to check the type of that parameter. If it’s an array, we’ll loop over it and create a string of class names. Otherwise, we’ll just add a single space to the front of the class name, so it doesn’t mess with the existing classes on the element. Then, we just loop over the elements and append the new classes to the className
Dome.prototype.addClass = function (classes) {
var className = "";
if (typeof classes !== "string") {
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
className += " " + classes[i];
} else {
className = " " + classes;
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el.className += className;
Pretty straightforward, eh?
Now, what about removing classes? To keep it simple, we’ll only allow removing one class at a time.
Dome.prototype.removeClass = function (clazz) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
var cs = el.className.split(" "), i; while ( (i = cs.indexOf(clazz)) > -1) {
cs = cs.slice(0, i).concat(cs.slice(++i));
el.className = cs.join(" ");
On every element, we’ll split the el.className
into an array. Then, we use a while loop to slice out the offending class until cs.indexOf(clazz)
returns -1. We do this to cover the edge case where the same classes has been added to an element more than once: we need to make sure it’s really gone. Once we’re sure we’ve cut out every instance of the class, we join the array with spaces and set it on el.className
Step 7: Fixing an IE Bug
The worst browser we’re dealing is IE8. In our little library, there’s only one IE bug that we need to deal with; thankfully, it’s pretty simple. IE8 doesn’t support the Array
method indexOf
; we use it in removeClass
, so let’s polyfill it:
if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf !== "function") {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (item) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] === item) {
return i;
return -1;
It’s pretty simple, and it’s not a full implementation (doesn’t support the second parameter), but it will work for our purposes.
Step 8: Adjusting Attributes
Now, we want an attr
function. This’ll be easy, because it’s practically identical to our text
or html
methods. Like those methods, we’ll be able to both get and set attributes: we’ll take an attribute name and value to set, and just an attribute name to get.
Dome.prototype.attr = function (attr, val) {
if (typeof val !== "undefined") {
return this.forEach(function(el) {
el.setAttribute(attr, val);
} else {
return this.mapOne(function (el) {
return el.getAttribute(attr);
If the val
has a value, we’ll loop through the elements and set the selected attribute with that value, using the element’s setAttribute
method. Otherwise, we’ll use mapOne
to return that attribute via the getAttribute
Step 9: Creating Elements
We should be able to create new elements, like any good library can. Of course, this would be no good as a method on a Dome
instance, so let’s put it right on our dome
var dome = {
// get method here
create: function (tagName, attrs) { }
As you can see, we’ll take two parameters: the name of the element, and an object of attributes. Most of the attributes be applied via our attr
method, but two will get special treatment. We’ll use the addClass
method for the className
property, and the text
method for the text
property. Of course, we’ll need to create the element and the Dome
object first. Here’s all that in action:
create: function (tagName, attrs) {
var el = new Dome([document.createElement(tagName)]);
if (attrs) {
if (attrs.className) {
delete attrs.className;
if (attrs.text) {
delete attrs.text;
for (var key in attrs) {
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
el.attr(key, attrs[key]);
return el;
As you can see, we create the element and send it right into a new Dome
object. Then, we deal with the attributes. Notice that we have to delete the className
and text
attributes after working with them. This keeps them from being applied as attributes when we loop over the rest of the keys in attrs
. Of course, we end by returning the new Dome
But now that we’re creating new elements, we’ll want to insert them into the DOM, right?
Step 10: Appending and Prepending Elements
Next up, we’ll write append
and prepend
methods, Now, these are actually a bit tricky functions to write, mainly because of the multiple use cases. Here’s what we want to be able to do:
The worst browser we’re dealing is IE8.
The use cases are as these: we might want to append or prepend
- one new element to one or more existing elements.
- multiple new elements to one or more existing element.
- one existing element to one or more existing elements.
- multiple existing elements to one or more existing elements.
Note: I’m using “new” to mean elements not yet in the DOM; existing elements are already in the DOM.
Let’s step though it now:
Dome.prototype.append = function (els) {
this.forEach(function (parEl, i) {
els.forEach(function (childEl) { });
We expect that els
parameter to be a Dome
object. A complete DOM library would accept this as a node or nodelist, but we won’t do that. We have to loop over each of our elements, and then inside that, we loop over each of the elements we want to append.
If we’re appending the els
to more than one element, we need to clone them. However, we don’t want to clone the nodes the first time they’re appended, only subsequent times. So we’ll do this:
if (i > ) {
childEl = childEl.cloneNode(true);
That i
comes from the outer forEach
loop: it’s the index of the current parent element. If we aren’t appending to the first parent element, we’ll clone the node. This way, the actual node will go in the first parent node, and every other parent will get a copy. This works well, because the Dome
object that was passed in as an argument will only have the original (uncloned) nodes. So, if we’re only appending a single element to a single element, all the nodes involved will be part of their respective Dome
Finally, we’ll actually append the element:
So, altogether, this is what we have:
Dome.prototype.append = function (els) {
return this.forEach(function (parEl, i) {
els.forEach(function (childEl) {
if (i > 0) {
childEl = childEl.cloneNode(true);
The prepend
We want to cover the same cases for the prepend
method, so the method is pretty very similar:
Dome.prototype.prepend = function (els) {
return this.forEach(function (parEl, i) {
for (var j = els.length -1; j > -1; j--) {
childEl = (i > 0) ? els[j].cloneNode(true) : els[j];
parEl.insertBefore(childEl, parEl.firstChild);
The different when prepending is that if you sequentially prepend a list of elements to another element, they’ll end up in reverse order. Since we can’t forEach
backwards, I’m going through the loop backwards with a for
loop. Again, we’ll clone the node if this isn’t the first parent we’re appending to.
Step 11: Removing Nodes
For our last node manipulation method, we want to be able to remove nodes from the DOM. Easy, really:
Dome.prototype.remove = function () {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
return el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
Just iterate through the nodes and call the removeChild
method on each element’s parentNode
. The beauty here (all thanks to the DOM) is that this Dome
object will still work fine; we can use any method we want on it, including appending or prepending it back into the DOM. Nice, eh?
Step 12: Working with Events
Last, but certainly not least, we’re going to write a few functions for event handlers.
As you probably know, IE8 uses the old IE events, so we’ll have to check for that. Also, we’ll throw in the DOM 0 events, just ‘cause we can.
Check out the method, and then we’ll discuss it:
Dome.prototype.on = (function () {
if (document.addEventListener) {
return function (evt, fn) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener(evt, fn, false);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
return function (evt, fn) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el.attachEvent("on" + evt, fn);
} else {
return function (evt, fn) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el["on" + evt] = fn;
Here, we have an IIFE, and inside it we’re doing feature checking. If document.addEventListener
exists, we’ll use that; otherwise, we’ll check for document.attachEvent
or fall back to DOM 0 events. Notice how we’re returning the final function from the IIFE: that’s what will end up being assigned to Dome.prototype.on
. When doing feature detection, it’s really handy to be able to assign the appropriate function like this, instead of checking for the features each time the function is run.
The off
function, which unhooks event handlers, is pretty much identical:
Dome.prototype.off = (function () {
if (document.removeEventListener) {
return function (evt, fn) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el.removeEventListener(evt, fn, false);
} else if (document.detachEvent) {
return function (evt, fn) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el.detachEvent("on" + evt, fn);
} else {
return function (evt, fn) {
return this.forEach(function (el) {
el["on" + evt] = null;
That’s It!
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