
Enterprise Architect

Cloud, HTML5, Big Data and Mobile are technology trends driving profound architecture change within enterprises. Enterprises are using these technologies, and others, to build incredibly innovative new applications that could not have even been conceived a mere decade ago.

As an Enterprise Architect you will work with enterprise customers to conceive, design and implement “epic” applications, innovative, perhaps even world-changing applications on our platform. You will partner with senior business and technology leaders at Microsoft and with our customers to help them pick the best technical architecture to solve their business needs, build business solutions with them, from design to coding and delivery, then share these experiences through reusable code frameworks, white papers, case studies, blog posts, social media and speaking at conferences.

You are a strong software developer, with deep hands-on technical skills, who is considered world class in your area of expertise. You have 10-20 years of experience building Enterprise applications. You may have been in an Enterprise Architect role at some point in your career.

You are comfortable having conversations at many different levels: with a business leader about how technology can enable reaching their goals or pursue new opportunities, with a CIO about technology costs and benefits, with an architect about building applications out of services, application security models, role based access control, or messaging patterns, with an IT Pro about application monitoring and continuous deployment, and with a developer about the code you’re going to write together to make the app work. In short you can rally various constituencies to realize a visionary new use of technology.

You have deep experience building or transforming business applications to emerging modern application architectures involving mobile, big data and cloud services.

You also have deep hands-on coding expertise in .NET, OSS, and/or Java-based Enterprise server software.

In summary: you are an experienced hands-on software developer who can communicate well at any level in an organization and has built and delivered sophisticated enterprise solutions spanning heterogeneous systems platforms and enterprise applications.

Coding experience with .NET or Java. Coding experience using AWS or Azure preferred.
Enterprise architecture concepts, issues and trends.
Mobile, data and cloud architecture.
Developer life cycle and enterprise developer tools.
Microsoft architectural roadmap.
Experience integrating Microsoft enterprise products, technologies, and solutions into heterogeneous environments preferred.
Knowledge of enterprise technologies from Amazon, VMware, Salesforce, Oracle, and Google
10+ Years of experience with Bachelor’s Degree (B.S./B.A.) required, 15 preferred, Masters or Ph.D. preferred.

Micrsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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